Informed Scotland – Special Edition – Technologies at work

IS Tech at Work Special cover May 15Every aspect of the curriculum has a part to play in helping children and young people understand the world of work, the parts which they might play, and the contributions they might make to business, employment and the economy in their careers beyond school. Within that overall framework it is possible to see a unique role for the technologies, and the particular logic and clarity of a special relationship which the technologies can share with creative, productive working life in the 21st century.

Over a number of years, and through many different programmes and initiatives, national and local governments have recognised the importance of the technologies in supporting young people’s expanding awareness of careers and working life. For example, the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) invested £1bn in schools across the UK over a span of 10 years or so; and more recently the Scottish Government’s Determined to Succeed programme focused a further £100m on developing young people’s readiness for work, much of it supporting technological skills and knowledge.

Building Society: Young people’s experiences and outcomes in the technologies was launched on 9 March 2015.  It’s vision for leanign in, through and about the technologies, makes clear the improtance of cultivating strong links and associations with the progress being achieved in Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, in the wake of the Wood Commision report an dthe Scottish Government’s response.

Technologies at Work highlights ideas, issues, projects and resources from across the learning and skills landscape.  It aims to help business and schools identify and make the most of the common objectives and synergies of the technologies and young workforce initiatives.  It makes connections between subject areas, between education and business sectors, and between the economy and learning.

Education Scotland, who commissioned this Informed Scotland Special, encourages partners on business and across education establishments to use the resource, recognising the important bridge th technologies provides between the communities of school and work.

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