Series of 6 Glow TV Events with Engineers
Meet the Engineer with Primary Engineers.
This is an exciting series of 6 Glow TV events between the 4th of September and the 23rd of October from 10am until 11am to help support the Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award with Primary Engineer and the Leaders Award for STEM.
Ask your pupils the question ‘What would you do if you could be an engineer in Scotland?’ to help them formulate their answer join our Glow TV interviews with engineers and a Glasgow based solicitor who can tell you how to protect your ideas!
For the third year in a row Education Scotland supports this award as an exciting and relevant way for students from primary and secondary schools in Scotland to discover more about the impact and diversity of engineering, alongside paths and routes into this amazing career.
The list of all the dates and speakers is shown below and their biographies can be found on the leaders award website
4th September – Philip Hannay – Cloch Solicitors (Patents Solicitor) – Watch Again
11th of September – Craig Goldie – Director Sweitelsky
25th of September – Gordon Masterton – Vice President Jacobs Engineering
2nd of October – Tom Sreeves – Director of Manufacturing Aggreko
9th of October – Douglas Anderson – Founder and CEO OPTOS – this presentation will not be interactive and will be recorded and uploaded to the Education Scotland website Technologies pages
23rd of October – Emma Henderson – Senior Engineer Expro Group
You can find out more and sign up for any of these events by following the relevant links above.
The Leaders Award for STEM website holds resources such as lesson plans for primary and secondary schools, links to resources from The Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame and award winning engineering companies from across Scotland through Scottish Engineering.
Entry deadlines are the 12th February 2015 with awards being presented in Glasgow alongside a public exhibition in March 2015.