Category: essential skills

communicate with colleagues

Communicate with colleagues (Essential Skills)

back to Essential Teacher Digital Skills

Use the tabs section below to select a topic and see the tutorial videos for it:

Find out more about Teams and how to communicate with colleagues using it:

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Find out more about Teams and how to communicate with colleagues using it:

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This video demonstrates these skills with Outlook in Glow. Some educators may use a different service but the skills are common to most email:

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Device Basics

Device Basics (Essential Skills)

device basics

back to Essential Teacher Digital Skills

Use the tabs section below to select a topic and see the tutorial videos for it:

These short videos explain how to open your browser, log in to Glow and use the launchpad.

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This video explains some of the essential skills for effective web searches – find out more on our information literacy page with this link:
go to information literacy page

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Accessibility features can make your devices and platforms easier to use but will vary depending on the device and platform but also your school or local authority settings. Start finding out what’s possible on these platforms:

This video playlist has some hints and tips to get you started:

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