Your Data Selfie Workshop – Follow Up #CSScotland23

This live lesson saw Craig and Daniel from Cyber Skills Live guide participants through using data about themselves to create an abstract self portrait using code. (This is activity 5 on the website).  All of the coding is done in a web browser with no other software required.  Larger screen devices are preferable as learners are required to edit code.

Teacher support / next steps

  • You can follow the instructions online and carry out all the activities with your learners. Please visit Code Your Own Data Selfie (
  • Screen shots from one of the activities are shown below.  Learners can take a copy of the selfies they take after each activity.
  • As a follow up for teachers, Craig and Daniel recommend checking out the Cyber Skills Live website, which has over 20 other activities.
  • Pupils can learn about cyber security and learn “How To Rob A Bank“, or find out how artificial intelligence is used to protect animals in Africa in “Defend The Rhino with Data Science

Screenshots for Cyber Skills Live Data Selfie (Activity 3)

Example Code Activity

Example Instructions

Example Output