The Advisory Group is made up of members from Education Scotland, Scottish Government, National Cyber Security Centre, a CyberFirst teacher ambassador and CyberFirst industry members.
Members of the group commit to engaging with, promoting and where possible supporting the work of CyberFirst programme in Scotland.
The members of the group will:
- be CyberFirst members
- endorse the yearly programme of activity
- ensure added value and removal of duplication across the cyber activities for schools
- foster positive relationships and links between education and industry
The group will meet quarterly for a maximum of two hours per meeting to monitor and review the progress of the programme in Scotland and help to shape the themes and make recommendations for change to future work. The diversity of the group will support its engagement with a range of sectors and stakeholders.
Advisory board members
Scottish Government
Education Scotland
West College Scotland
Daydream Believers
Dewar Cyber Consultancy
Abertay University