Personal audit & transferable skills

Activities for unit 1 Personal and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities

  1. Identifying Skills and Abilities

Activity 1

  1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Self confidence x
Self-discipline x
Team Work x
Act as a Leader x
Listen to Others x
Write for Academic Purposes x
Computing/Use technology x
Be Creative x
Problem Solving x
Flexibility x
Work Under Pressure x
Set Personal Goals x
Share Opinions Confidently x
Manage Time x
Negotiation x
Make Presentations x
Debate Informally and Formally x
Organise and Plan x
Take Notes x


Activity 2

  1. Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.
Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How I will use these How do I know (evidence)**
Team Work I will use this skill when it comes to workshops or group tasks, for example, for the Working Together module presentation. I will be respectful towards my team members and listen to their opinions, as well as voicing my own. I worked in groups while in workshops and effectively listened to others and shared my own opinions clearly.
Listen to Others Being thoughtful towards peers and respectful towards lecturers, as listening to what I am being taught will help in future and new information will be beneficial to have. I have made new friends and became fond of them and have picked up things in lectures which I have been explaining to others or giving them a hand with some of the coursework.
Set Personal Goals When it comes to things such as deadlines, I will note these down and ensure I have time to complete the tasks. I may set a simple goal of reading 3 pages of something a night. I have set dates and times in my diary which I have dedicated to specific work, note taking, research and reading.
Manage Time Being early for lectures, seminars and workshops in order to find a seat and get settled, if I was to be late I may disturb everyone else and miss the beginning. I have never been late to a lecture/seminar/workshop yet and have attended them all so far. I leave early to arrive at University every day on time.
Make Presentations During the course and through different modules I would like to work on not only how I make presentations but how I present them. In Working Together, I stood with my group to present our groups final outcome of a “New Student Tool”. We worked together to create our product and our presentation.
Organise and Plan Writing down important dates and information which I may need in the future, I will plan what I will need for each lecture and follow deadlines. I have followed multiple deadlines so far and have organised my diary with due dates and things I must complete.
Take Notes  During lectures when I have limited time to note down crucial information, whatever I am being taught is important and so must be noted for reference. I have been trying my best to note everything down at the time while the lecturer is talking and have also went back to powerpoints in order to complete my notes.


Recognition Reflection Action
Skills to be developed How I will develop these How do I know (evidence) **
Self-confidence By talking more to new people on the course and beginning to believe in myself, or trying some sort of volunteering. Asking questions more often in front of a room/lecture theatre full of people.
Act as a Leader Take the role of a leader in a small group at first, then gradually larger groups (not in a dominant way but instead try to guide the group and help as much as possible).
Debate Formally and Informally  I feel I can debate informally with peers, and so to debate formally I should take part in more discussions and try to be as professional as possible, and to do this as often as I can.
Be Creative Researching more and trying my best to think outside the box.
Share Opinions Confidently Talking more while in groups or lectures, or even commenting on other people’s posts online of my opinion. Also, to be sure in my answer before posting.
Computing/Use Technology Attending help sessions on things such as e-Portfolio and taking time from my days to try progress my skills working alone on different technology.

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.



  1. Managing My Learning 

  Activity 1

Complete the table below to identify and reflect on those factors and plan actions for each.

Recognition/ Reflection Action
What helps my learning? How can I utilise this?
Example: “Discussing the topic with others” ·         Set up a study group of like-minded peers

·         Engage with the online community

Revisiting notes By dedicating time after lectures – or sometime after – to go over my notes again.
Studying alone and in silence I work better in a quiet setting, so I should use my free time while alone to complete tasks. Maybe try the silent study room in the Library.
Being organised I feel more comfortable organising my bag the night before with things I will need for the following day. Also ensuring I have completed all tasks for following day.
Having a clean workspace I concentrate better when my room/work space is clean and tidy, so I should ensure wherever I am working is tidy beforehand.
Studying at a table By using my kitchen table, dressing table or a room at Uni where I can work with a lot of space and a flat surface. I feel it is slightly easier this way.
Explaining what I’ve learnt to others By supporting peers with their learning (going over a subject again with them) or telling a family member/friend about what I have learned. I feel the recapping of a topic is effective for memory.


Recognition/Reflection Action
What hinders my learning? How can I address this factor?
Example: “I’m easily distracted” ·         Study in a place where distractions are minimal

·         Read lecture notes before the lecture and then take notes lectures to keep me focused

Procrastination By studying alone and keeping myself focussed/busy, and by putting my phone in another room/my bag.
Reading online Getting a copy from the library or buying the book online. I can also print the pages if there aren’t many, so I can read a hard copy.
Trying to manage stress Being organised and prepped for everything by writing dates in my diary, having my things for the next day ready the night before, allocating time to tasks and preparing for the next lecture.
Studying with others Study alone when possible, at home or in silent room of Library.
Not having enough sleep Avoid being tired the next day by getting a reasonable amount of sleep each night.
Going out with friends Still go out with friends but ensure I have either completed all tasks required, or have allocated time for them to be done – and I must stick to this schedule.


Activity 2

  • Make a timeline so that you are aware of all the potential busy periods and plan the year to ensure that you allocate sufficient time for each module to include reading time, writing time and any other aspects of the module where you need to allocate time.





  • Assignment Due: 10am, 03.12.18 (2000 word essay)


  • Quiz 1: 20.09.18
  • Quiz 2: 04.10.18
  • Quiz 3: 11.10.18
  • Quiz 4: 01.11.18
  • Quiz 5: 15.11.18
  • Quiz 6: 22.11.19
  • Workbook Due: 12pm, 03.12.18
  • Exam: Week of 10.12.18


  • Visit to Agencies: 9-11 am, Monday 29th October
  • Assessment – Presentation: 10.12.18


Autism Scotland: (£2 at door), Thursday 4th October

Reading Week: 15.10.18 – 19.10.18

Meeting with Tricia: 3.20pm, Tuesday 30th October