Health and Wellbeing Lessons

Ø  Lesson 1

o   Food and health: Nutrition: By investigating the range of foods available I can discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet. HWB 1-30a

o   Food and health: Nutrition: By applying my knowledge and understanding of current healthy eating advice I can contribute to a healthy eating plan.  HWB 2-30a


Ø  Lesson 2

o   Food and health: Safe and hygienic practices: I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking care of my teeth. HWB 0-33a / HWB 1-33a

o   Food and health: Safe and hygienic practices: Having learned about cleanliness, hygiene and safety, I can apply these principles to my everyday routines, understanding their importance to health and wellbeing.  HWB 2-33a


Ø  Lesson 3

o   Food and health: Food and consumer: Through exploration and discussion, I can understand that food practices and preferences are influenced by factors such as food sources, finance, culture and religion.  HWB 2-34a


Ø  Lesson 1

o   Begin by getting into groups of 4. In front of you, you should have an a4 sheet of paper. Draw a line down the centre, label one side ‘healthy’ and the other ‘non-healthy’. You should have a pack of pictures in front of you with foods and drink printed onto them. Spread these across the table, and as a group, decide which food and drink should be placed in the ‘healthy’ section and ‘non-healthy’ section. At end of lesson explain that some foods are healthier than others, however, it is important to have a balanced diet. Introduce class to the ‘eat well guide’ (healthy eating plate).

Ø  Lesson 2

o   Explain to the children that we will be learning about safety and hygiene in the kitchen. To do this we will go along to the cafeteria to speak to the kitchen staff about how they keep safe and hygienic in the kitchen. Speak about why they wash their hands, wear an apron, tie their hair back/wear nets, clean surfaces, wear oven mitts when handling hot dishes in the kitchen. Spend 15-20 minutes speaking to the cafeteria staff and then return to class to explore what we learned.

  • P1 – P3 – We will get into pairs and find ourselves a table. Practice the hygiene and safety tips the dinner staff gave you by using the items I have brought in. In front of you, you have an apron, dishcloth and washcloth. Between: putting your apron on, washing your hands and wiping any surfaces, put into order which should come first. Create a sequence of what you would do in the kitchen when baking a cake to ensure safety and hygiene, in order. I will walk around the class and when I reach your group I want you to explain what you have chosen and why.
  • P4 – P7 – Will get into pairs and create a step-by-step plan to explain the procedures you would take to ensure hygiene and safety in the kitchen when preparing food (remembering what the kitchen staff said).

Ø  Lesson 3

o   Begin lesson by explaining to class the learning intentions and success criteria of what we are away to learn. Discuss/write down if there are any foods you are aware of that come from a different country. Using the leaflets on your table, with your partner, highlight the countries name and the traditional foods that originate from that country. Collect leaflets in a pile and put them at the front of the class. Now use the worksheets I have put on your table and using a pencil and ruler, join the foods listed to the country that it originated from. Discuss your answers with your group. Now put your worksheets away and collect a whiteboard, pen and rubber. I will name a country and I want you to write down a food that originates from the country that I say. Make sure you keep all of your worksheets together as next lesson we will be working in groups to create a poster.


Ø  Literacy will be used in all of these lessons.

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