The Importance of Reflection

Reflection allows you to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses so that you can recognise where you can develop, learn and improve your skills. By identifying, through reflection, your skills, behaviour and development areas, you can continue to advance and grow.

Through reflection and analysis of my groupwork experience during my Working Together module in semester 1, I have realised how it has benefited my learning in many ways. I have identified that I need to have the confidence and communication skills to speak out when working with strongly opinionated characters, ensuring that all members of the group are listened to and their opinions respected. Lack of proper communication can lead to confusion, and members disrespecting one another’s opinions. My own future learning will benefit as I will be able to recognise the signs of my group not working collaboratively and step in to make sure we stay on task. My main strength is keeping calm and treating everyone equally, which I will continue.

This reflection has allowed me to think about how the Working Together module has taught me lessons that I can learn from in later life, such as dealing with group tension and personality clashes.

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