Drama Structure

Within the video we were instructed to watch, the lesson was structured through:

·       Agreement – a set of rules that are made by the teacher are discussed with the pupils.

·       Warm up – to prepare the mind and body.

·       Focus – to give the pupils something to focus their drama on, for example, a still image / photograph.

·       Development – allows the pupils to create the rest of the story based off of the still image.

·       Visualisation – allows the pupils to think about what they would hear, see, etc.

·       Soundscape – allows the pupils to use their vocals to create the sounds that they would hear in their drama setting.

·       Body-scaping – allows the pupils to create a visual image of the setting of their drama.

·       Performance – the pupils create 3 still images depicting the main issues in the drama.

·       Evaluation – evaluate the children so they know what they did right and what they have to improve on. Evaluation also allows the pupils to calm down after a physical and active session.

This structure allows for rules to be applied so the pupils understand how they are expected to behave. The structure also allows for the drama to be built up so the pupils can perform the full act by the end of the lesson.

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