- The impact that prejudice and discrimination have upon the way in which we view our society, and how even though they have similar meanings, they are not exactly the same thing all together.
- I understood to some extent, as people’s views and ideologies can be influenced based on what your environment is and the experiences you have growing up, as it can be influenced from generation to generation
- Agents of socialisation, as it was an area which had many different areas that I feel could be broken down further. In order to understand it better, I feel that I can research some of these areas further and get a better understanding of them as a collective and then put it all together
- I feel my knowledge in the differences between prejudice and discrimination has been improved as of today, as it was made clearer in the lecture. It was also made clearer than it can be considered a generational thing and also can depend on your environment.
- That it can be very easily influenced between your peers and family members, as well as through the media and how strong its impact can be in shaping what younger individuals learn. In the future I hope to be able to explain to pupils that everyone should be considered equal in their opportunities, no matter what their gender, races and beliefs are and should treat others in the same way.
- How to identify the different areas in the agents of socialisation, and how each one of them individually. By researching each of the areas more intensely until I get a better understanding of how they contribute to socialisation.