Expressive Arts and Culture- Week 3

This week focussed on creating soundscapes in groups using a video clip or image as a stimulus.

The video my group chose a clip from the Pixar movie Soul (2020):

We used sounds from the BBC sound effects library and Garageband to create an audio clip that could be played with the video.

The sounds used created a much different effect compared to the original soundtrack. This provided an interesting link to the idea of major or minor music creating different moods. Bill Bailey explores the concept in this video:

(Prince’s Trust Music, 2018)

Overall, I found this activity really enjoyable and I see how it could be effectively used in a primary classroom with instruments or software. Especially where the space is available, it could be exciting for pupils to be sent to different rooms in their groups to experiment with sound and then be brought back together to present their work. This structure would support several important experiences and outcomes in the expressive arts curriculum, including:

“I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances. EXA 0-01a / EXA 1-01a / EXA 2-01a”

(Curriculum for Excellence, n.d.)


Curriculum for Excellence. (n.d.).Expressive arts Experiences and outcomes [online] . Available at:

netflist (2020). Joe Falls Through The Universe – SoulYouTube. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2021].

Prince’s Trust Music (2018). Bill Bailey – Major / Minor (We Are Most Amused and Amazed 2018)YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2021].

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