Fàilte bhon Cheannard | Headteacher’s Welcome

Fàilte bhon Cheannard | Headteacher’s Welcome

Is mise Alison Richardson agus ’s mi Ceannard Eadar-amail Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn, am bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig son sgìre-sgoile an ear thuath ann an Glaschu.  Bu mhath leam fàilte chridheil a chuir oirbh dhan làrach-lĩn againn far am faigh sibh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun sgoil againn.

Mar sgoil, tha sinn am miann gum bi na sgoilearan againn toilichte, sàbhailte agus soirbheachail. Tha sinn dealasach mu bhith ag obair ann an com-pàirteachas ris na teaghlaichean againn gus an dèan sinn cinnteach gun leasaich na sgoilearan againn – an dà chuid – na sgilean acadeimigeach agus pearsanta is sòisealta aca a leasachadh.

Bidh an luchd-obrach againn ag obair ann an dlùth chom-pàirteachas leis na sgoilearan, pàrantan, teaghlaichean agus an coimhearsnachd sgoile againn gus an ruig sinn an ìre as àirde de chùram ’s de dh’fhoghlam son na sgoilearan againn.

A warm welcome to our school website where you will find a range of information about our school.  My name is Alison Richardson and I am the Acting Headteacher of Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn – the Gàidhlig catchment school for the north east of Glasgow.  

As a school we have high aspirations for all our pupils and are committed to working in partnership with parents and families to support our pupils’ academic and personal and social development journeys. 

Our shared school values – Dìcheall (Perseverance/Ambition), Urram (Respect), Coibhneas (Kindness), Cruthachalachd (Creativity/Curiosity) and Onar (Honesty/Trust) are very important to us.  They represent the core beliefs and ideals that we share and direct our behaviour and relationships at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn.

Staff work in close partnership with our children, parents, partners, local community and businesses to ensure we provide the best possible care and education for pupils.

I hope that this website gives you an insight into our school ethos and shows you some of the great learning going on at our school

Please contact the school directly if you require any further information.

Còmhla tro chom-pàirteachas, Yours in partnership

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