Clàrachadh | Enrolment
Bidh clàrachadh son sgoilearan Clas 1 a’ tachairt gach bliadhna san t-Samhain. San Dàmhair gach bliadhna, bidh sinn a’ cumail là fiosrachaidh son pàrantan a tha an dùil an cuid chloinne a chuir dhan sgoil far am faigh iad a-mach tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn, Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig agus na cothroman an sàs.
Registration of Primary 1 children takes place in November and is advertised widely in local press etc. In October we host an ‘Open Day’ for Prospective Parents, to provide information about the school, Gaelic Medium Education and the opportunities on offer at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn.
Families living outwith the catchment area can make a placing request to attend Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn but must enrol their child online as a first step. Further information is available at
Our Enrolment guide for prospective parents can be found here.
We work in partnership with other GME schools and nurseries in the Gaelic learning community and have developed a structured induction programme for all children coming to P1 in August 2025 who are currently in a Gaelic Medium Early Years establishment.
This transition programme starts at the end of term 3/ start of term 4 and incorporates events and activities to support the children, parents and staff from the nurseries and Primary 1. Once we have the information on children who do not attend a Gaelic nursery, staff liaise with the various nurseries they attend. Close liaison between pre-school establishments and Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn ensures a positive successful start to the children’s primary school careers.
In June we look forward to welcoming all our new P1 pupils for two Stay and Play sessions (usually 1 morning and 1 afternoon) and an Induction Morning, when they will meet a class teacher and spend time in a P1 classroom.
Parents are also invited on these days to join us for a coffee, hear about the things their child will be doing during their first year at school and find out more about the wider school community.