Category Archives: 2.1 Curriculum

Field Trips In Historical Learning

The Verdant Works Visit

Field trips in History

The Verdant works is a historical museum situated in Dundee. The verdant works was previously a mill which was famous for its making of Jute in the Victorian era during the Industrial revolution. The Verdant works is a great place as a leaning opportunity for children to learn about this historical period.
I chose to visit the Verdant works as I am very interested in the Victorian era. I really enjoy learning about the way life was lived in previous years and being able to compare this to life now to see how far we have come in terms of industry and life style. The verdant works is in Dundee, so this is local history, which is good to learn about the area I have been living in and find out more about the history. The verdant works looked like a good museum to scope out and see how good it is for learning and how suitable it would be to be used for a field trip to enhance learning.

An Introduction
The Industrial revolution took place between 1760-1840. This was a big step for Britain as it caused the introduction of factories, ships and railroads which helped lead to a better economy for Britain. There was a significant number of factories built in this time the Verdant works. Industrialisation influenced social, cultural and economic aspects of life. The industrialisation of Britain caused an introduction of heavy machinery and this meant a lot of coal was required to run this. One key aspect of the industrialisation was the shifting of population from rural to urban areas for work and the hope for a better life.

What is Jute?
Jute is a natural fibre which has many uses. Jute comes from two different plants; corchorus olitorius and corchorus capsularis which originate from Bangladesh. This arrived in the mill in a pucca bale which was tightly packed. This would go through 9 different processes, it would finally leave the mill as a woven product. Dundee and India created a close connection in the Jute industry. In 1820 the first ever 20 bales were unloaded at the Dundee docks which was transported via a ship.

The uses of Jute

This was a huge problem during the Victorian era and could be argued that some of these issues are still heavily persistent in society today. Two places both in Dundee very close to one another had one significant difference and this was poverty. On side one there was extreme squalor this was caused by overcrowding which resulted in poor living conditions, poor health and they did not have access to a good education. On the other had there was side two living a completely different life. They were the Jute barons, wealthy, living in mansions and well educated.

Mill Life
The mills started off with very bad working conditions. Workers were mostly Women and Children as they cost less to hire. There was unequal rights and no policies were in place during this time. The mill life was very dangerous workers would suffer clogged eyes, mouths and noses. It was extremely noisy and sometimes this would result in deafness. Machines were closely packed together which meant they used children under the age of 9 as they are smaller to go under the machines and clear out any excess. This would result in extreme accidents and children were getting trapped in the machinery. There was also a high risk of getting bronchitis due to the unhealthy atmosphere however there was improvements made which improved the working conditions of workers in the mill. For example, in 1833 the Government passed an act which meant no young children under the age of 9 could work in a factory and it also restricted the number of hours a child would work in a factory.

1820 – First 20 bales of jute were unloaded at Dundee Docks.
1833 – Verdant works begins textile production.
1847- 10-hour Factory act was introduced – People could only work up to 10 hours a day, prior to this act it was 18/19 hours a day.
1852 – A Female mill worker was killed at the verdant works 26th of march (Entangled in a carding machine)
1855 – The first jute mill was established in India (Machinery and workers were used from Dundee.
1863 – Average life expectancy for a man in Dundee was 33.
1864 – The Verdant works employed 500 people.
1874 – The great strike 300,000 workers protested for 4 days against a 10% wage reduction.
1889- Verdant time is over and the name disappears from the list of mill factories in the Dundee directory.
1893- The verdant works has new owners.
1900- Calcutta takes over from Dundee and leading jute producer.

My visit to the mills

Upon arriving to the verdant works, we had the option of an introductory tour guide. I thought this would be very useful. The tour guide was very welcoming, he started off by explaining some background information about the mills. This was very useful as it helped me to become engaged with my surroundings. He also set the scene and told various stories. He brought the stories to life which helped me become very interested and learn more information and really feel like I was in the time zone of the stories he was telling. This was a good start to the visit and created a good atmosphere. The rest of the visit was self-directed.
The first room was in the office of the verdant works. This room was very interactive as it has statues which set out a scene from an office in the mills. This was very interactive as it had accountant books which had been used from when the mills were active which you could flick through. This was very interesting, and I found it good how you could look through an artefact which was used in the mills. This also had a button you could press where the statues would speak and express issues which were present in the mills between men and women with the differences in jobs, men not being allowed to sit and the differences in pay.

The next part of learning was about how the Jute was sent over to Dundee. The processes it went through and how it was shipped over to Dundee. This explained the links between Dundee and India. This room had a game for children to play which was on an interactive tablet where they had to get the ship to collect all the barrels and make sure it arrived in Dundee safely. This is good for younger children as it is exciting and helped develop the concept of how the Jute was taken to Dundee.

The next part of the tour was the process of making the Jute. This was the factory part of the process which explained the processes which the fabric went through in the mill and machines to become Jute. This was filled with a range of different machines which were used in the process and you have the option to be able to watch one of the machines in action. This is extremely interesting as you can physically see the machines which were used which helps to understand how they work and you can clearly see why they were so dangerous. In this part there was many different ‘phones’ which shared information about the lives of different workers in the mill and what machines they worked with. This was good as you could listen to different voices to here different stories which made it very realistic and allows you to picture the lives of different workers.

The next part of the tour was learning about the lives of the people in the Victorian times. It was made clear the quality of life was much different in the past in comparison to now. There were big displays giving facts and information about the quality of life. There was also the chance for you to measure your weight and height and compare it to a child in the Victorian times which I thought was something a bit different. This was a good way to use numerical skills and comparing different aspects of life which has a link to numeracy. This part also explained the schools life of a Victorian kid, there was a small classroom for you to access and there was a clear difference. There was a hopscotch on the floor and a cabinet with other children games this is a good discussion point as there is a clear difference in the toys children play today. This was very interesting as it was good to find out the information and learn about the differences in lives

During this visit I already knew about the poor quality of living during the Victorian times and the dangers of the machines and working in the mills. I did learn how Jute was made and the many different uses of Jute.

A school visiting opportunity

This would be a very useful place for a school trip for children in a class of first to second level. This would enhance the learning for a class topic on the industrialisation or the Victorian times. There are many advantages of the verdant works as a school trip. The verdant works is situated near the centre of Dundee and explains information about the local history of Dundee. This would be particularly good for a class which are from Dundee or even the surrounding areas of Dundee. This helps children learn and understand more about Dundee and why It is famous for the Jute industry. This is a beneficial site as it has artefacts you can look at and touch in the museum which are from the time. This makes it more real for the children which can help create more meaningful learning and excitement. The artefacts hold great value which children are more likely to learn from as they come from a time and a place and these kinds of artefacts can have a story behind them. The verdant works is a very interactive and is very child friendly. The verdant works has opportunities for dress up, storytelling is an aspect of history and this will help children feel like they are going back in time and they really are a Victorian child this brings more meaning and excitement as it sets up a story and helps children become immersed in this story. Role play can be very beneficial for learning. There are more opportunities for interaction with the ability to make stamps, listen to real life stories, watch the machines in action, play hopscotch and learn more about different games in which children played in the past, there is so many different opportunities for children to get involved and be active with their learning which will make it more memorable. This is useful as it provides children with different ways of learning as every child learns differently. This creates a new experience to broaden opportunities and we can share new experiences together which can build on reflection and importance of learning. This helps children nurture their creativity and allows teachers to set up tasks which can help further learning on their trip. This will be a negative experience if the field trip is not relevant to learning, the teacher does not provide meaningful activities to stimulate children’s learning, if cost becomes a barrier as not every child will be able to afford a school trip and schools must come up with ways to avoid this being a barrier i.e. fundraising and if the children don’t take the chance to make the most out of their experience.

Prior learning
– What is the Industrial revolution
– Main aspects of a life as a Victorian child
– Conditions of working in the mill

Activities on the trip

– Worksheet
– Dressing up
– Exploration
– Interaction with museums features
– Discussions after each exhibit – Through questioning and observation.

Skills which can be developed through the trip

Investigating- the lives of mill worker children and comparing to our own lives as children, how does it differ etc.

Enquiring about an object in the museum i.e. the children’s toys in the Victorian times. Thinking of questions which we can ask ourselves about the object and creating a line of enquiry to focus the learning – How did the children use the toy in the Victorian times, why did they use the toy etc.

Communication – communicating and expressing thoughts and ideas on surrounding and expressing our feelings towards situations.

Collaboration and working together – involving team work and discussions to stimulate learning and ideas, sharing helps learn from peers.

Click to access Victorian-Life-EXA-LIT-ENG-1.pdf

A link to the verdant work website as they give greater educational opportunities for learning after the Verdant works.

IDL opportunities

– Expressive arts – Drama, art (Painting), making opportunities.
– Literacy – Story telling, Reading, writing a letter, newspaper article.
– Health and wellbeing – Games and food.

A Victorian classroom

Upon coming back into the classroom an area for further learning opportunities could be to further teach children about learning in the Victorian classroom. You could bring role play into action by completely turning the classroom into a Victorian classroom. Imitating the teacher, making slates for the children to use, leaky ink pens, unconfutable seats, singular desks. This will set the scene and make children feel like they are in a Victorian classroom. This will help children understand that learning has changed over the years. A lesson would be handwriting practice and drills using the rules of a teacher in a Victorian classroom. (Hoodless, 2008).

Follow up lesson

Children will write a diary entry on the life of a child in the Victorian Era. First, they can read different diary entries from Victorian children and look at a range of resources, which can be a scaffold for ideas. After being to the verdant works they will have gained a lot of knowledge and had the opportunity of dress up/role play. This will help children understand what the general life of a Victorian child was like and allows the children to collate their understanding and create a diary entry. This allows children to take themselves back in time and add feelings and emotions into their writing. This has IDL links with literacy. To make the effect more realistic they can dip their final diary entry into water and tea bags to make it more like it came from the Victorian times by scrunching up the paper also. This makes it more realistic and has a link the expressive arts. The teacher should display the work of the child to make it more memorable and purposeful.

“Children are extremely curious and should be given the opportunity to explore and make sense of the world around them by studying outside the classroom, making links between feelings and learning what they see, hear, touch, taste, touch, smell, do, feel, imagine and sense provide avenues to deep meaningful learning” (Pickford et al, 2013)


The verdant works is a great museum to help with educational learning. It provides a range of opportunities of learning and allows children to build on their skills. It helps children learn about the industrial revolution and the Victorian period which children can compare to their lives today to see how much and what has changed over the past. When reflecting the children should have a great memory which means the learning will last a lifetime.


Pictures from the Visit

Science Input


I always struggled with science as a child in school in both Primary and High school. I found it extremely difficult and confusing (although I did still find certain aspects which were easier enjoyable) I only took biology to study from 3rd year onwards as this was the part of science I enjoyed the most. I carried on with biology up to higher however I had to work extremely hard to pass the course. I had an extremely good, enthusiastic science teacher who had a great love for science and made it very understandable and supported me a great deal to help me achieve my pas. Therefore, even though I found science very hard I was still able to grow a great interest especially in Biology.

On Tuesday, we had our first science input. Prior to this we were given a TDT to design a two-minute mini teach lesson. We had to choose and conduct an experiment of our choice. At first I completely panicked thinking what was I going to do and how I was going to do it. However, I recalled doing the ‘Milk, Fairy liquid and food colouring experiment ‘with my two younger brothers just before I came to university. I done the usual find an interesting experiment online one evening and decided to give it a go. Therefore, I realised this would be the best on to choose and to see if there would be any difference compared to the last time I tried it. When I done this with my brothers aged four and six, they were so amazed but so confused at the same time as was I. This made me realise the importance of researching and understanding the concepts and explanation behind an experiment. I also thought this experiment is more suitable to older children as the concepts are quite hard to understand.

Before this mini teach we were asked to complete a lesson plan.



SCN 2-19a

SCN 2-16a


Learning Intentions

-We are learning why surface tension happens

-We are learning about the importance of fats in surface tension

-We are learning how to conduct an experiment in a safe manner


Success criteria

-I can explain why surface tension happens

-I can explain why milk has a great importance in this experiment

-I will understand that different variables can have an impact on my experiment and why it may turn out different each time I conduct in

-I can conduct this experiment safely




I will need;img_5269

-Milk (Enough to fill the surface of a small bowl)

-Food colouring (A range of colours, small droplets)

-Fairy liquid (A few small droplets

-Cotton buds



  1. Gather all the ingredients
  2. Pour the milk into a small dish/bowl/plate
  3. Dot the different colours of food colouring in the centre of the milk
  4. Dip the cotton bud into some fairy liquid
  5. Place the cotton bud in the middle of the colours and hold for a short period approx. 5 seconds
  6. Watch what happens


During the experiment, it is essential to ask questions to the children to make them question the experiment and think about what is going on. This will spark their thinking and develop a discussion to help them understand the concepts.



The first main question which should be asked Is ‘What is going to happen?’ Prediction is key before any experiment is completed this makes them think about what is going to go on and at the end they can evaluate the process and see what happens. Prediction is a way to think about your own scientific beliefs. The whole experiment revolves around your (hypothesis) the experiment is done to see if it really is true or works like you imagined. This means you can compare your prediction to your results.

During the experiment, it is clear the colour separates and spreads across the surface of the milk. The children will see this. They are likely to be amazed and confused this is a good time to hear their ideas and start a discussion by asking ‘Why do you think the colour is spreading’ at this point they will be trying to guess and explore different things which could be happening.

After listening to their opinions start to tell them the concept and ask another question ‘such as do you know the meaning of surface tension’ This is really getting them to think and discussion can be a good way to learn about new scientific ideas.

Lastly another question involving the process could be ‘Why did this happen, is there a specific ingredient in the milk?’ This gives them a small hint to think but allows them the opportunity to reach a conclusion on this experiment.

Other questions could be less involved with science and involving art as this experiment can also be called ‘The explosion of colours’

‘Has any other colours been formed’ this may occur if you use two primary colours together they may mix together to form a secondary colour.

‘What type of patterns can you see’ This may form swirls, circles or other shapes.


So, what does happen?

This involves surface tension

Water molecules are attracted to one another but not in the air

Water molecules try to make the surface as small as possible to get as close as they can to each other

Milk is made up mostly of water

The washing up liquid is designed to break up surface tension so it can dissolve and clean fats and oils


The very first time I completed this experiment it worked perfectly, however when I practiced again the colour did spread however not patterns were made.



I am also going to set myself SMART targets for this year

Specific – I want to visit the science centre and consider an area of chemistry (As I know less about this which will help with my knowledge) I will Look into this area in great depth.

Measurable – I will create a lesson plan for a series of lessons on this topic and build up activities and experiments which could be used.

Achievable – Make sure I watch videos, do research online, practice/watch experiments, become involved in a discussion to make sure I have an understanding, discuss my ideas with those in the profession.

Relevant- Link back to Experiences and outcomes for science at the appropriate level.

Time – Ensure research is completed before I go on placement and begin to plan and bring ideas together during placement time.




As I studied Biology and learned about Sir Alexander Fleming in secondary school this interested me during the input and has made me want to look further into his life as a scientist and his greatest discovery.

About Fleming himself – He was born in Ayrshire on the 6th of August 1881. He moved to London at the age of 13 and trained as a doctor later in his life. His first degree was achieved I St Mary’s hospital medical school at the University of London. He also served in the army medical corps, then returned afterwards.

His discovery

Fleming had gone away for a month with his family. He left out a dish with staphylococcus, this became contaminated with a mould. He then realised all the bacteria had been destroyed. Due to an accident, he made a very great scientific discovery that could save lives. He initially though the bacteria were a very powerful enzyme therefore he considered this further only to realise it was an antibiotic which killed infection. This was one of the first to be discovered. He first called this mould juice but later renamed it as penicillin. He knew the importance this would have this meant he needed more people on board to help follow through with his findings. Howard Florey and Emst Chain isolated and purified the penicillin. This made it into medication form to be taken.



I was very apprehensive about the first dance input, personally I lack confidence doing activities which consider making a fool of myself in front of peers my own age. However just a few minutes into the dance input I decided to put all these feelings of fear aside as everyone was feeling the same and in the same situation. I realised I would need to be very enthusiastic especially if I was to do this with a class to keep them motivated and to allow them to learn and have fun. The children can sense a lack of confidence which would make them feel shy which would hinder their own learning experience. Therefore I completely came out of my shell for this input and loved it! I now understand it is much less foolish to act confident and enthusiastic than to remain shy as I learned something new myself during this input.

I do have a fair bit of experience with dance, however this was when I was much younger. I started dancing at the age of just 4. My first dancing experience was with ballet. I continued this weekly from the age of 4 up to the age of 14. I completed and passed exams, performed in shows. I realised I had a great enjoyment for ballet as this allowed me to have something which I see as important. As I enjoyed ballet very much I thought I would try new types of dancing including tap and jazz. Tap was an extremely difficult type of dancing to learn as it had different foot movements which I found very difficult to learn however with a great deal of practice and dedication I finally learned how it was done. I stopped dancing at the age of 14 through circumstances that could not be helped. Now looking back, I miss dance very much as this is something that took up a big part of my life and is something I would wish to take on again if I had the opportunity.

As I have not done dance for a while now I am a bit worried about teaching dance, learning dance for yourself and teaching it can be very different. I do feel that because I have some experience of dance I will find it very enjoyable to teach if I grasp the main concepts of what I must do I think eventually I will develop the confidence to teach dance. I would want to be very enthusiastic when teaching dance as I think it will be far more fun and easier to teach. 

I feel I will face some challenges when it comes to teaching dance. I know as a child at school I was less confident in participating in certain actives. This may become an issue when teaching dance as not all children will want to dance in front of their peers or enjoy it. I feel I could find it difficult trying to make them become involved if they feel shy and unconfutable. Therefore, I feel a goal I could set to overcome this challenge is for me to act completely enthusiastic and teach a various range of dancing in different ways to accommodate all learners to ensure they enjoy the dancing learning experience. Creating a relaxed and fun atmosphere would help children feel much more confident. Another challenge I may face is stereotyping, Girls seem to be much more involved in dance than boys this may mean girls could be much more involved in the dancing than boys. A goal I would create would be to help children of all ages and gender explore a range of different types of dancing even those which are mainly focused on girls and help aid the understanding that all types of dancing can be fun for everyone and allow children to learn about different cultures though dance.


 After reading the (Get Scotland dancing, A literature review, 2014) It reveals Scotland is a country which is far less involved in dance, this can come across as very disappointing. Dance can be a very important physically activity for our wellbeing and expression. Dance is a great way to for certain cultures to celebrate but it is also good for learning about a wide range of cultures. As well as being expressive dance is a very good way to exercise. It is good that dance is the fourth most common cultural activity adults participated in. As previously stated there is gender issues with dance, this is backed up by this review as it states 15% of women are likely to be involved in dance in comparison to 9% of men, this is a significant gap. Clackmannanshire the area in which I am from has a high participation in dance. 7% took part in dance as a sporting activity in the last 4 weeks and 12% took part in dance as a cultural activity in the last year (2012). Clackmannanshire is 5th on the list. This shows my area has a high participation in dance. This review also reveals primary 7 aged girls are very likely to participate in dance. cultural-dance