Memorable School Project

When asked about what class project is the most memorable to me, i could not think of one that really stood out. However, after having a think about it, one year our whole school did a project together.

This was to become an eco friendly school. We were shown how other schools were becoming eco friendly and receiving their Green Flag to hang proudly above their school. I remember all primary classes, from p1-p7, sitting in assembly being shown the importance of recycling and how powerful it could be if everyone did their bit. This sparked such enthusiasm around the school, with each class having several bins for each different recycling method. Everyone really did get on board.

After the assembly and being shown just how big an impact recycling waste would have, it became important for us children to spread the message and get a message across. Therefore, each class in the school made their own song about being eco friendly and what people can do to reuse and recycle. I can still remember how excited I was, along with all my friends, when these songs were recorded and put altogether on our very own school CD., This was then sold to raise money for our school. And yes, in the end we did get our Green Flag. How inspiring!

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