“And so the end is here, and so I face, the final curtain…”

“My name is Amy Redmond and I need help…with digital technologies! Having struggled with some computer-based aspects of the course so far (sometimes even logging onto the macs!), I feel it has cemented my wise choice in undertaking this module.” (Redmond, A. 2018)

The above quote was by an Amy Redmond, a digital native if you must. I am please to say that Mrs Redmond’s journey to being a digital goddess is well on the way! Okay…I am in no shape or form a digital goddess, but I can say that my progress and knowledge gained on the possibilities, qualities and enhancement capabilities of technology in the classroom has 100% improved!

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Digital Technologies. Being able to actually create and “tinker” with all different types of software and Apps has gave me so many ideas to think about and advance further. This module has gave me many opportunities to reflect on my own knowledge, as well as the possibilities that the technology in question can give to the children and teachers in the classroom.

Something in particular that has stuck in my mind is the impact that the introduction of new technologies can have on teachers who hold very little or no experience with it. Confidence is a big part of the role and image that teachers have to depict. I know how I felt when trying out new Apps that I have not used before (Scratch Jr was not my friend!), I felt quite frustrated by it and inadequate in a way! Therefore I think it is paramount that teachers get the training necessary to keep up-to-date with advancing technologies, in order to be able to allow children to experience it in the best ways possible.

It has been made very clear that the advances in technology in the classroom and also the fact that children are surrounded by it at home too, means that it is vital to being incorporated into childrens learning. This has to be done in the correct way, as a means to enhancing activities and giving children the ability to feel included and able to join in with all learning in the classroom.

An example of how positive technology can help children, particularly those who may struggle with certain elements, was one I witnessed when on my two week placement. Whilst working alongside a primary 4 pupil, I noticed that her handwriting was mostly unrecognisable.  When speaking to the child, I found it hard to understand what she was saying. I found this very hard, as did the child. She was getting frustrated with me, and I was annoyed at myself for not being able to pick up what she was trying to communicate with me.

The activity at the time was based on Halloween, the children were to write a ghost story, using lots of descriptive words and promoting use of their imagination and ideas. After the children had written their stories, they were to type them, using Word in their computer lab. I decided to assist the child whom I had spent some time with. I was astounded at what she had written! A story filled with fabulous describing words and super ideas. It showed me the value that technology has for some children. Here is a small part of her work:After I read the girls work I was so impressed and showered her with praise. The smile on her face will stick with me for a long time, I could tell that she felt very valued and was very proud of her spooky story.  Therefore I think that this quote is spot on:

“Digital technology can make a substantial contribution to this improvement agenda by enriching education across all areas of the Curriculum for Excellence.” (Scottish Government, 2016).

I would like to give thanks to my classmates for their enriching collaborations with myself and for their help when I was perhaps, maybe, possibly being a tad impatient with certain things. It has been a tough few months in The Redmond household with illness, so their help is very much appreciated.

I would also like to give special thanks to our lecturer Rae. You have been fantastic, patient and just such a lovely person. You have made me feel at ease and made all activities a pleasure. I hope that I can depict your calm, knowledgeable demeanour when I become a teacher.

Over and out.

Digital goddess (still in progress).



  • Scottish Government. (2016). A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. [Online].  Available at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/enhancing-learning-tearning-through-use-digital-technology/pages/2/. [Accessed: 05 January 2019].

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