There are many factors that can have a negative effect on our health and it is important that we are aware of these. The 5 factors are Stress, LIfe Events, Loneliness, Economic Circumstances and Risk Behaviours.
There are many ways in which we can support ourselves in order to have a healthier lifestyle.
EXCERCISE REGULARLY Having a healthy lifestyle requires at least a little exercise every week. it is recommended that you should engage in 30-60 minutes of exercise at least four times per week.
SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE FRIENDS Surrounding yourself with positive people will have a positive effect on you and the way you look at things. It will also make you happier with a more positive vibe.
HAVE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS When people have close relationships they feel less threatened, less alone and more confident and in control. Knowing that you have someone you can rely on provides a feeling of security and hope.
SENSE OF TOUCH Reaching out and receiving a hug, or even a massage can lower your blood pressure and decrease stress levels. This will make you more comfortable and a little more relaxed.
GET RID OF NEGATIVE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE Having positive mental health is an important factor in living a healthy life. You do not need toxic people in your life who will put you down and not support you.
These are all things that we can do on a daily basis in order to support outselves in leading a healthy lifestyle wich makes us more positive for the greater good.