Reflection on Placement For the last two weeks, I have been on placement in a local primary school and have found it both throughly enjoyable but also extremely valuable in an educational sense. I was able to see how all the theories I had learned about in University were used in practice but it also …
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Reflection on Placement
For the last two weeks, I have been on placement in a local primary school and have found it both throughly enjoyable but also extremely valuable in an educational sense. I was able to see how all the theories I had learned about in University were used in practice but it also allowed me valuable time to spend with the children and remind myself that this was the career for me.
One communication skill that I think to be a strength of mine is listening. I think this because of the way the children then reacted back to me. During the two weeks, I done a lot of one-to-one work with children who needed a little bit of extra support. I would ask them questions and then allow time for them to answer and when they did, I let them answer on their own. I wouldn’t interrupt them, correct them or point out the mistakes right away. I allowed the child to voice their opinion and let their point be heard. I also maintained good eye contact with the children to know that I was paying attention to only them. I also enjoyed listening to the pupils as it gave me insight into how their brains worked and some of the comments I received still make me laugh to this day.
However, a communication skill that I thought needed developed was the language I used with the children. It wasn’t that I used inappropriate language in the classroom, I wouldn’t dream of it. It was more that I struggled to know what kind of language would be best suited for each level, especially with some of the Enfant classes. I knew I would have to simplify what I said but I was unsure how far to go. I tried my best to lead them towards answers but sometimes I felt like I ended up just giving them the answer because it was taking so long for them to understand. Finding the balance between explaining and just telling them the answer was really difficult but it showed me that this was a weakness for me and somewhere that I should focus on if I want to be a successful teacher of all ranges.