Key Learning
- Having completed my blog post on the urban environment, I now understand what makes up my own urban environment such as types of buildings, green spaces, air quality and population density…
- I have also reflected on how I feel about these different elements in my town and local area. I now have a greater awareness about the pros and cons of my own urban environment. I found learning about the different historical buildings in Kilwinning especially interesting as I did not know much about them prior to this blog.This is important in sustainable development as I believe this awareness of where you live and your own environment make you care more about it. This should inspire you to make greener choices and want to look after where you live.
- I am also aware of the importance of urban environments. They make up 82% of where the total UK population lives. Urban environments are helping to support a growing population as the UK population has grown by 18.7% since 1984.
- During the workshops I learned about Hydroponics which I had previously never heard of. Hydroponics do not use soil, and is a method of growing healthy plants in places where it would not otherwise be possible. It does not take up much space and requires little water. It is a way of providing food for a growing population while still conserving water. I am also in the middle of an experiment that I started in the workshop that would allow children to learn and engage with hydroponics.
- I have also participated in a number of different activities, many of which promoted outdoor learning, in the workshops that I would now feel confident in leading with school pupils.
- I understand my responsibility as a future teacher to educate children about the importance of sustainable development and looking after our environment. We are currently using 50% more resources on our planet than Earth can sustain. According to the Scottish government, education is vital in order to progress towards making our society and world a greener place and to change people’s attitudes towards the environment around them. (2012)
- I have also learned about the progress Scotland has made in education towards becoming a greener place. Scotland has one of the most successful Eco-schools programme in the world. 98% of local authority schools participated in the programme and 45% who participated were awarded the Green Flag.
Impact On My Views/Practice
During the workshops on 16th September I realised the significance of outdoor learning. While studying “The Environment” theme and completing tasks such as finding out what different trees, birds, insects and lichens there were around the university campus, actually being outdoors really enhanced the experience. While arguably the tasks could have been completed in a classroom I do not believe it would have been as effective. Being outside allows you to use your senses and it makes take notice of your environment and what is actually around you. This awareness of the different plants and animals around you makes you care about it more. I think that taking children outside and actually experiencing their environment is crucial when promoting sustainable development. It will encourage them to make greener choices, be more passionate about the environment and just enjoy being outside.
Areas of Interest to Explore Further/Develop
- I realise that I need to continue to develop my confidence in science generally in order to teach it effectively.
- I want to learn more about what schools are doing to promote sustainable development in Scotland.