Heather Walley UWS ITE ePDP

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The Environment – Learning Log


B.A. 2
Learning Log
Theme: The Environment
Key Learning:
In this session we looked into our feelings on the environment and what we would describe it as. After discussing our own thoughts we found out how the ‘environment’ is actually everything around us; where we live, the countryside, towns, cities and even our own homes. We learned how even the smallest factors can have an effect on the environment in the biggest ways. For example global warming is having great effects on the environment as a whole including the habitats of animals, insects and plants.
Impact on my views/lifestyle/practice:
Personally I have never been one to enjoy the outdoors, ever since I was a child I was more of a ‘play inside with my barbies’ kind of girl instead of getting mucky like the other children in my street would. However, I actually enjoyed getting outdoors in the workshops last week. Before the session, I was unaware of how much the conditions of an environment can change what is in it. In the workshop with Louise we searched for certain insects, lychens, leaves and birds, and the types of each of these things we found differed greatly by the area of the campus we looked on. This made me realise how important it is to keep the planet tidy as, if the small insects were unable to live in certain environments, then think of the bigger animals such as deer and rabbits who may be affected by our unenvironmentally friendly habbits.
Areas of interest to explore further/develop:
I hope to further develop my knowledge on the environment and how I personally can help keep the habitats of such animals safe for them to live in. I also hope that when I go into the primary schools I am able to educate the children on some of the things which I have been learning about and make them want to help with the environment around them too.

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