Here are all of the slides with notes for studying this amazing play.
Plan for character development essay we did together
Plan for character development essay we did together
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There’s information and resources on each part of the course. I would strongly advice everyone to have a look.
Advanced Higher 2019 all Past Paper (374KB)
Advanced Higher 2018 all Past Paper (361KB)
Advanced Higher 2017 all Past Paper (362KB)
Advanced Higher English Literary Study Specimen Question Paper
Advanced Higher English Textual Analysis Specimen Question Paper
“It is the alienation of the individual which pervades …fiction.” Discuss with reference to any two novels
Compare and contrast the treatment of the “darkness of marriage” in any two novels.
“The novel can deal unflinchingly with the social issues of the day.” Discuss with reference to any two novels.
Discuss the extent to which the principal characters in two novels are limited by the external constraints placed upon them.
Discuss the ways in which themes of isolation and/or estrangement are explored in two novels.
Compare and contrast the role and function of the principal female characters in two novels.
Discuss some of the principal means by which tension is created and sustained in any two novels.
Discuss the thematic significance of social status in any two novels.
Discuss the effectiveness of the exploration of identity in any two novels.
To help:
NB: These seem clear cut - however remember that even with a 'setting' question you must still refer to other techniques i.e character, theme, symbolism etc.