Slower Melting Ice Cream, & Storing Methane with Coffee Grounds


ComPound Interest


Here’s a weekly summary of both new chemistry research and studies that have been in the news. This week Compound Interest features research on a protein that could help keep ice creams from melting so quickly, a novel method of recycling coffee grounds to store methane, and more. As always, links to further articles and original research papers are provided below, as well as further studies of interest not included in the graphic.

Note: links to studies behind a journal paywall are indicated with (£). Studies without this symbol are open access, and can be accessed and read for free.


Featured Stories

Protein enables slower melting ice cream: [Article]

Blueberry extract could help prevent dental plaque: [Article] [Study (£)]

A membrane that separates oil from water: [Article] [Study (£)]

Waste coffee grounds recycled as methane storage medium: [Article] [Study]

Brazilian wasp venom selectively kills cancer cells: [Article] [Study]


Other Stories This Week

Ants superior to other pest control methods: [Article] [Study (£)]

Mosquito net binds insecticides with electrostatic forces: [Article] [Study (£)]

Pond algae contains wealth of chemical blueprints: [Article] [Study (£)]

Magnesium peroxide could be stable in some planet interiors: [Article] [Study]

Sea slug steals prey’s chemical weapons: [Article] [Study (£)]

Parasite-infected bees self-medicate: [Article] [Study (£)]

Brain protein causes rare, Parkinson’s related disease: [Article] [Study (£)]

Hydrogel-fabric composite makes for soft but strong material: [Article] [Study]

‘Brain-eating’ amoeba evades chlorine disinfection: [Article] [Study]

Electrical fields can switch dipole and handedness of helical structures: [Article] [Study (£)]

Riboflavin helps selectively form Z-isomer alkenes: [Article] [Study (£)]

Mutated weeds can grow in TNT-contaminated soil: [Article] [Study (£)]

Titanium & zirconium respond differently to mechanical stress: [Article] [Study (£)]

Faecal transplants overcome drug resistant bacteria: [Article] [Study]

New definition for hypervalency in molecules suggested: [Article] [Study]

Redesigning drugs for better biodegradability: [Article] [Study (£)]


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