Celebration of science and engineering

Organised by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry. Young Engineers and Science Clubs across Scotland will showcase their projects.  In addition, new Scottish Government Junior Saltire Prize Awards and a range of Green Energy Awards will be presented by the First Minister.  The jam-packed programme includes STEM challenges, science shows and a 3D IMAX movie. 

Glasgow Science Centre
Fri 10th June
Participation by Invitation only, but spectators welcome. Please contact jane.martin@scdi.org.uk for further information.


For more information click here.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Heather Reid has shared this photograph diary of an interdisciplinary topic that took place at St Ninian’s primary in 2010 with Primary 6 pupils.  As part of the project the learners took part in a whole day event where they learnt more about Climate Change and Renewable sources of energy.  The main challenge of the day involved them in working in teams to find out about different possible sources of renewable energy that Mr Willy Wonka could use to power his factory and they were also tasked with presenting possible plans.

Click below to see the learning story.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Urban Village

Krysia Smythe a craft, design and technologies teacher, from The Royal High has shared this photograph diary showing the progress over 12 weeks of an enquiry based project where learners were given an open project brief and asked to work in groups to present a solution to the brief which asked them to develop a proposal for a new urban village.

Click below to see the learning story.

Urban Village

Renewables project

In 2010 S1 pupils at Inverness High were involved in an interdisciplinary learning project relating to the learning context of Renewable energy.  This involved the sciences, social studies and technologies departments in planning for learning relating to a scenario where the learners were presented with the scenario of an island which had been cut off from its fossil fuel supply and had to find the best solutions for generating electricity by harnessing energy from renewable sources.  The power point shared here was presented by Ben Sparham from Inverness High and Real Project at the Learning and Teaching Scotland Climate Change seminars during a workshop seminar to share with other practitioners the thinking and experiences behind this project.

Click below to see the learning journey.

Energy Challenge

Energy Efficient Housing

Sheena Telford, Physics PT from Tarbert Academy, has shared this photograph diary of primary 7 and first year pupils who were involved in a project to learn about energy transfers and energy ‘saving’ devices.  Learners carried out a range of practical investigations before applying their learning to a challenge where they had to build a model energy efficient home.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://static.slidesharecdn.com/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=glasgowhouse-110505071733-phpapp01&stripped_title=glasgow-house&userName=sburton82" width="450" height="450" allowfullscreen="true" /]

STEM April Newsletter

Click below to download the April edition of the STEM Newsletter.

National STEM Centre April eNewsletter

Highlights of this April eNewsletter include:

–        STEM survey on the use of Social Media – A survey being carried out by the National STEM Centre to explore STEM teachers’ use of Social Media, complete the short survey for your chance to win a £50 voucher

–        STEM Badges – Enamelled clutch badges to reward and recognise participants of STEM activities

–        STEM Fairs – A collection of resources provided by the British Science Association to help teachers get the most out of visiting or running a STEM Fair

–        Technical Education for the 21st Century – Summary of the recent Gatsby and Edge Foundation conference looking at how to increase the number of science and engineering technicians

Strathclyde University unveils plans for £89m technology and innovation centre

The Technology and Innovation Centre at Strathclyde will bring together 850 academics, researchers and project managers from the University and its leading industrial partners to work side-by-side in a state of the art building in the heart of Glasgow.

Together, they aim to find solutions to challenges in sectors central to economic regeneration in Scotland and further afield, including power and energy, photonics and sensors, advanced engineering, pharmaceutical manufacturing and bio-nano systems.

The Technology and Innovation Centre’s industrial partners include Scottish and Southern Energy, ScottishPower and the Weir Group. The project has also attracted financial backing from Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council.

New technology will enable safer and more efficient oil recovery from deeper water


New technology is being developed in Scotland as part of a multi-million pound international collaboration to enable safer and more efficient oil recovery from deeper water and harsher environments than ever before.

 Global oil and gas solutions provider FMC Technologies is collaborating with Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) to deliver a pioneering five-year research and development partnership within the subsea oil and gas industry.

 The collaboration will combine expertise in electronics, optoelectronics, electrical power and instrumentation at GCU with that of subsea engineering and optoelectronics within FMC to deliver research and development projects for safe and efficient oil recovery and to enhance reliability and integrity in the monitoring of subsea installations.

 It will also produce innovative new products and technologies for subsea hydrocarbon production applications along with student placement and research studentship opportunities.

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