Category Archives: Glasgow

The Art of Hosting: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm on 6 December 2012

As part of their Ideas Academy – developing dialogue, debate and conversation that encourage us to lead, think and act beyond boundaries; being creative, provocative, inspiring and motivating – CLD Standards Council are bringing the Art of Hosting to Glasgow on 6 December.

The Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations is a response to a world that is becoming increasingly complex and fragmented, where true solutions and innovations lie not in one leader or viewpoint, but in the larger picture of collective intelligence and wise sustainable action.

Find out more on the CLD Standard Council website.

Pilot project seeks young designers & journalists

The Matter is a new programme which is aiming to help young people develop skills for work whilst telling the world what they think about important issues.

The project is seeking young people aged 16-24 who live in and around Glasgow, to take part in a pilot which will inform the development of a national programme.

Young people taking part will be designing and writing for a newspaper, raising awareness of issues that are important to them, and helping to change the world!

For further information on how to take part, download TheMatter-Jointhepilot!