These short films illustrate how the Creative Learning Networks are building creative capacity and providing opportunities for young people across Scotland. Click here to view the following films on the Creativity Portal:
40 seconds of inspiration and celebration!
- 5 minute version
- 8 minute version
What are Creative Learning Networks (CLNs)? Who can be involved? Why is creativity in learning and teaching so important?
Aberdeen City CLN
At Aberdeen’s Creative Big Picnic parents learn about creativity and its broad applications in the world of work. Activities for children and families help to develop creative thinking across disciplines.
Argyll & Bute CLN
CLN participants meet on three of the larger islands in Argyll & Bute to explore the impact creativity can have on learning across the curriculum, working collaboratively with creative partners.
Edinburgh CLN
Secondary pupils explore creativity in learning and teaching at Edinburgh’s Student Council Conference. Education consultant David Cameron talks about why creativity should be on everyone’s agenda.
Fife CLN
Fife participants explain the benefits of working collaboratively with partners to provide creative learning experiences for young people and of using Glow to actively engage colleagues in the creative learning agenda.
Scottish Borders CLN
Scottish Borders is taking a strategic approach to developing its network. Cultural Ambassadors meet together to develop their own understanding of creativity across learning and teaching in order to promote creativity in their own schools.