Paper Animation and Maggie’s Design Competition events on Glow TV

Paper Project – Animating with an Ooglie Animator
18 March 11.00 am

Join us for a live session of animating in the classroom, creating a character and getting going with Bruce Husband an OOGLIE animator. This animation workshop builds on the paper creativity challenges and is most suitable for first and second level learners.

Maggie’s Design Competition
20 March 4.00 pm

This Glow Meet gives teachers an opportunity to learn more about the competition and get ideas and support for teaching architecture in the classroom from Stone Opera architect Hanneke Scott-van Wel. There is a great prize for students interested in making architecture a career and an opportunity to have work featured in an exhibition at The Lighthouse.
For full details of these and other events, please log in to Glow and view the current schedule:
(Glow login and password required)

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