Technology offers fantastic opportunities for children, young people and professionals. However, technology can be misused and this can be very painful for those who are targets of Cyberbullying.
Advice on ‘Rate My Teachers’
This is a global website where anonymous comments or ratings can be left for teachers by selecting the school where they teach. If anyone finds a comment that they find breaks the rules of the site or causes offence of any kind, you are able to remove this comment yourself immediately and it will be removed pending review. You can do this by ‘flagging’ the comment and selecting from a drop down menu why the comment does not follow the rules of the site.
You are able to do this without being a member of ‘Rate My Teachers’ or logging in to the site. In Highland, it is still important to report this to the Head Teacher who may wish to notify
A specific support facility in Highland has been set up for those children, young people and staff who may find themselves targeted by Cyberbullying. Incidents of Cyberbullying should be managed according to the Cyberbullying Guidance and by using the dedicated email address
Teacher Support Scotland also have useful advice that can be found here
All education resources for ‘Internet Safety and Responsible Use’ in Highland including educating children and young people about the consequences of Cyberbullying are promoted through this Highland E-Safety site. You may wish to look at what can be done to create a culture within the learning community where everyone is advised and understands how to use the internet safely and responsibly using some of the recommended resources.
For further information in Highland please contact:
- Louise Jones – Health Promoting Schools Manager
- Jim Henderson – Virtual Learning Co-ordinator
- Stewart Fraser – Legal Manager, Litigation and People