Holly and Clyde Islands’ Tour a great success!

As part of the Legacy 2014 Week, Game On Scotland visited the Shetland, Orkney and Western Isles. Both Clyde and Holly Cram, Scottish international hockey star and ambassador for the education programme, visited a large number of schools to recognise their creative engagement of learners around the Commonwealth Games. Between them they visited over 30 schools and youth clubs, addressed assemblies and handed out over 10 plaques. Holly addressed all secondary and a number of primary schools in the Western Isles providing inspirational talks as well as practical hockey sessions.
The tour was very well received by pupils and staff alike and created real excitement as schools are gearing up towards the Games in July.

Here are some of the highlights captured on the way:

The Western Isles:

Dr Allan awarding Tong Primary School the Game On Scotland Plaque:







Holly at Lionacleit School, Benbecula:







Duke of Edinburgh with pupils from the Nicolson Institute during their Active8 session:







Orkney Islands: 

Glaitness Primary School

Hope Primary School







Shetland Islands

Happy Hansel


Aith Primary School

Aith High School

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