Kirkton of Largo and Glamis awarded plaques

Kirkton of Largo pupils with ClydeOn day three of his Game On Scotland tour, Clyde was out and about visiting schools in Fife and Tayside and two of the schools visited were also awarded Game On Scotland plaques. Kirkton of Largo Primary School is the first Fife school to receive a plaque for their outstanding Games-related work, with Glamis Primary taking the honours for Angus. Congratulations to both!

The Queen’s Baton Relay has been a major focus for Kirkton of Largo, with pupils tracking the progress of the baton around the 70 nations and territories of the Commonwealth and posting updates on Twitter. These updates led to Vision Africa, a charitable organisation, offering to take the pupils’ baton to Kenya, where it featured in the real Queen’s Baton Relay alongside famous Kenyan athlete Kipchoge Keino. The school has also been engaged in researching the countries of the Commonwealth, has signed up to the Digital Commonwealth project and even featured Clyde in their nativity! You can follow the school’s updates on Twitter at @KirktonPS, including lots of photos of Clyde’s visit.

Glamis Primary pupils have been set 30 Commonwealth Games challenges, linked to sports but extending out across the curriculum. From boxing to lawn bowls, they’ve been working on peer-led projects and even involved families and the local community. In the words of one teacher, their work has spread “Commonwealth Fever” throughout the school. The school will be continuing its work right up to the end of session, with more pupils set to be involved as their activities build to a climax.

If your school would like to receive a Game On Scotland plaque (as well as a range of other benefits, including mascot visits), then make sure you register a Game On Challenge, telling us about your plans.

One thought on “Kirkton of Largo and Glamis awarded plaques”

  1. I am very proud of all the children at Glamis Primary and acknowledge the hard work and enthusiasm of the teachers who make a project like this possible. The Commonwealth Games has provided a really inspiring context for the children’s learning and a relevant and fascinating interdisciplinary project.

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