Grow and Sell Kits at St Peter’s Primary School

After supporting a local school via Food for Thought Programme, Waitrose donated a Grow & Sell Kit to St Peter’s Primary School.

Grow & Sell kit – children get all they need to grow vegetables and Waitrose committed to buy the vegetables from them.

Lochgilphead Primary 7’s – International Schools Meals Day

The 33 P7s in Ms Craven’s class have been planting chickpeas and learning about the food and culture of Cyprus.

The lovely dinner ladies decorated the canteen and made tasting pots of hummus and moussaka. The kids all took home their planted chickpeas and a recipe card for hummus (minus the tahini ingredient as difficult to buy in Lochgilphead!).International School Meals Day

Something Fishy!

PM Packaging (Parkers Packaging) event on 10th February @ St Mary’s Primary School for P6 – 38 children in two sessions

AM Packaging (Parkers Packaging) event on 10th February @ Holy Cross Primary School for P2 – 50 children in two sessions

SeaFood Event arranged by Marie Clare – with support from Waitrose and FishistheDish – @St Thomas of Aquin’s covering St Thomas of Aquin’s, Holy Cross, St Marys, St Marks, St Peters Primary. Children tasted different types of fish, learned more about the benefits of eating fish, saw fresh crabs and other seafood and saw a live cookery demonstration.

Andover Primary



Andover Primary was successful in applying for a bid from Food for Thought in September 2013.  This meant we had a grant of £5000 to support the development of food education and an understanding of the provenance of local food as well as developing additional links with the community.

A link was developed with a Nutritionist at Robert Gordon’s University and several community events were planned at which pupils, mainly those attending the School Cooking Club, could showcase their skills.

The first event was a Harvest Meal in October.  This was sourced, with support from Brechin Community Council, from many local producers. The menu was selected following a competition for Scottish dishes organised within the Brechin cluster. The winning dishes were prepared by the children in school.

Prior to the meal every child in Andover (a big school) visited a local producer and did follow up activities. This was funded through the project and organised with the help of Carol Littlewood from RHET. Visits included a dairy farm, smoking house, strawberry farm, poultry farm, an arable farm as well as the co-operative farm in Blairgowrie.

Over one hundred guests attended the supper.

This month a Scottish Event is being hosted. Not only will guests enjoy a three course Scottish meal, but entertainment including music and poetry.

All pupils now have a much greater understanding of where our food is grown and its journey.  The Cooking Club pupils in particular have a very good knowledge, understanding and practical experience of basic cooking skills including using a knife correctly, the importance of a varied diet, including fruit, eating together, manners and basic food hygiene.

Many of the Health and wellbeing outcomes have been achieved and everyone has had a lot of fun and enjoyment.

Liz Howson

Andover Primary School

St Bride’s and Bothwell Primary shared garden

Have a look at the blog from St Bride’s and Bothwell Primaries who are worked on a shared garden project.  Lots of inspiring work resulting in St Brides earning their

The school achieved their third Eco flag yesterday with involvement from the Eco/FFT team.   The assessor commented on how merging the two groups into one group was a great idea and how they compliment each other so well as their work overlaps in so many ways.   Their Food for Thought involvement helped their Eco group its third flag.

Dingwall Diggers

Dingwall Diggers welcomed visitors from Knockfarrel Produce and The Storehouse.

Jo Hunt from Knockfarrel Produce– delivered a talk about supporting local produce and provide local ingredients such as garlic, potatoes (3 different types) and chard. (

Quintin from The Storehouse – worked with Dingwall Academy to agree on ingredients which will be based on the vegetables and herbs that the school will plant in the garden. (

Dingwall Digggers thank their visitors;

Dear Quintin, Shaun and Jo,

Thank you so much for your fabulous visit today – all your hard work and wonderful produce gave the DiGGers a memorable and educational experience.

You might like to see some of the photos on our blog:

I look forward to more activities in future; it is so important that our youngsters have the opportunity to engage with the natural world and food growing & cooking – understanding how and why it will taste so much better when fresh and local as well as learning the importance of reduced environmental impact.  Just experiencing good food and the interest of preparing it gives them a chance of a better diet and healthier life.

Thanks again,

Susan Swallow

From: Vivian Maeda <>
Sent: 12 November 2013 16:39
To:; Susan Swallow;
Cc:; Vivian Maeda
Subject: Food for Thought – January 2014 date tbc

Dear Quintin and Jo,

Thank you for your support to the Food for Thought Programme.

The project is funded and supported by Education Scotland – see link:

Helping the school ( ) with the project will better prepare our children to the future:

You have agree to support in:

Jo Hunt – quick talk about supporting local produce and provide local ingredients such as garlic, potatoes (3 different types) and chard. (

Quintin – liaise with school and agree on the final list of ingredients which will be based on the vegetables and herbs that the school will plant in the garden. If you have other ideas, please speak with Susan about it, I am sure she is open to suggestions. (

Thanks to Scottish Business in the Community from Biggar High

Morning Vivian,

I am writing to thank you for your contributions towards last weeks packaging workshop. I all seemed to work out well and I know that the pupils got a lot from it. We are pushing ahead with their food product design and the packaging design should start in the next few days. I am sure that the classes who benefited from the workshops will do very well and put into practice all that they learned.

I also appreciated the canvas bags which you brought – they be very useful as prizes on the day of the final.

We have a number of good photographs which will be displayed as part of the challenge publicity.

Thanks once again for your help with this project.



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