Category Archives: BusinessIT
St Mary’s and the Dragons!
Dingwall Diggers
Dingwall Diggers welcomed visitors from Knockfarrel Produce and The Storehouse.
Jo Hunt from Knockfarrel Produce– delivered a talk about supporting local produce and provide local ingredients such as garlic, potatoes (3 different types) and chard. (
Quintin from The Storehouse – worked with Dingwall Academy to agree on ingredients which will be based on the vegetables and herbs that the school will plant in the garden. (
Dingwall Digggers thank their visitors;
Dear Quintin, Shaun and Jo,
Thank you so much for your fabulous visit today – all your hard work and wonderful produce gave the DiGGers a memorable and educational experience.
You might like to see some of the photos on our blog:
I look forward to more activities in future; it is so important that our youngsters have the opportunity to engage with the natural world and food growing & cooking – understanding how and why it will taste so much better when fresh and local as well as learning the importance of reduced environmental impact. Just experiencing good food and the interest of preparing it gives them a chance of a better diet and healthier life.
Thanks again,
From: Vivian Maeda <>
Sent: 12 November 2013 16:39
To:; Susan Swallow;
Cc:; Vivian Maeda
Subject: Food for Thought – January 2014 date tbc
Dear Quintin and Jo,
Thank you for your support to the Food for Thought Programme.
The project is funded and supported by Education Scotland – see link:
Helping the school ( ) with the project will better prepare our children to the future:
You have agree to support in:
Jo Hunt – quick talk about supporting local produce and provide local ingredients such as garlic, potatoes (3 different types) and chard. (
Quintin – liaise with school and agree on the final list of ingredients which will be based on the vegetables and herbs that the school will plant in the garden. If you have other ideas, please speak with Susan about it, I am sure she is open to suggestions. (
Food For Thought at Biggar High School
22 January 2014: SBC Programme Coordinator Vivian Maeda was at Biggar High School in South Lanarkshire on Monday to facilitate a food packaging workshop in conjunction with ESC Packaging and Parkers Packaging. The workshop is part of the Scottish Government’s Food For Thought programme which aims to
improve food education in schools across Scotland by running a variety of engaging and creative projects. Scottish Business in the Community’s role in this programme is to help schools find volunteers from businesses to enhance pupils’ learning and experience.
At the workshop, Carri Walker (ESC Packaging) and Michelle Nugent (Parkers Packaging) explained to pupils what was involved in designing a new ready meal packaging for the local butcher ‘Damn Delicious’. After learning more from the experts in the field, the children will attempt to design their own packaging for the ready meal and will be assessed on a variety of criteria including creativity, feasibility and costs including production and marketing. The winners will be announced in mid-February 2014.
A hugely successful and stimulating event, Carri and Michelle also addressed the importance of understanding a client’s brief, the colour psychology used in targeting specific customers as well as issues of branding. Finally, the importance of including the nutritional value, weight, logos and dietary information warnings was addressed.
This is just one of many creative applications of Food for Thought within schools. Working with local businesses provides a practical and multidisciplinary angle to food education. From a school “bake-off” with professional chefs judging, to a school running its own Farmers’ Market with local businesses, to a mock “Dragons’ Den” within the school where managers and chefs from different companies judge the feasibility of a mock range of healthy snacks – the applications are diverse.
If your business is interested in being involved in our Food For Thought programme then please e-mail Vivian Maeda or call 0131 451 1113.
Cardinal Newman Food for Thought launch 10th January
An Interdisciplinary Project with Business IT, Food Technology, St Andrews Hospice and Warburtons will build capacity of S1 learners encouraging educated food choices. Challenged to design a healthy food product for athletes, learners explore new products on the market, careers in the food industry, product development ,sustainability, marketing and promotion.