World-class Theatre in your school this spring?

Catherine Wheels Theatre Company is a multi-award winning company, based near Edinburgh, creating theatre especially for children. Since 1999, we have performed all over the world, including Broadway and Sydney Opera House but love most when we can perform at home. We are supported by Creative Scotland. little gentleman
Our in-school production for spring term 2016 is The Story of a Little Gentleman, adapted from the much-loved Swedish children’s book by Barbro Lindgren, this production is a moving and humorous story about loneliness and the power of friendship.

Directed by Gill Robertson.

Suitable for P1-3 Touring February – April 2015 (70 performances available)

This production is specially adapted for school halls, is quick to set up and dismantle. Running time 50 mins. Maximum audience 120.

Cost = £350 + VAT (discounts apply when booking more than one performance)

Please see attached for full booking information.



For more information on our theatre for schools, please contact

Eco-Drama Newsletter – drama, outdoor learning, CPD, interdisciplinary learning

Out to Play CPD

   eco2 eco1

We finalised our Out to Play project with 4 CPD sessions in Glasgow, taking teachers from the classroom to the playground enjoying some outdoor fun!

Looking at the unique role of Drama and Storytelling within Outdoor Learning, Drama Artist Ben Mali McFadyen, the Eco Drama Team and 93 enthusiastic primary teachers used their imagination to explore playgrounds, play games and listen to some special storytelling.

We shared experiences and reflected on how to integrate outdoor learning techniques into the school curriculum and how best to engage pupils with natural environments in exciting and creative ways. In all types of mischievous Glasgow weather of course!

Over 4 days in September, 93 teachers took part from across 33 Glasgow Primary Schools all leaving with their very own Out to Play Outdoor Learning Resource Pack!

“Best CPD event I have been to in ages.” Catriona Brown, Battlefield Primary

“I hadn’t realised the power of imagination within outdoor learning. Really informative session, lots of ideas to start with. Thank you.” Irene Boyle, Corpus Christi Primary

“The thought of outdoor learning sessions with the pupils was rather scary. However I feel much more confident now and look forward to trying new ideas. Thank you for an enjoyable interesting CPD Experience.” Marie McGill, Corpus Christi Primary

For more details on the Out to Play project:




Out to Play Resource Pack

out to play

We gave every teacher attending the Out to Play CPD sessions their very own Resource Pack. Developed and written by Ben Macfadyen, the pack contains 8 detailed session plans and accompanying stories, tailored for each age and stage in the curriculum.  Ben shares the techniques, games, songs, drama ideas and stories that he used during the Out to Play Residencies.

Full of helpful tips, inspiration and creative practice, this 72 page resource book is simply bursting with ideas to empower teachers to lead their own creative and interdisciplinary learning journeys outside. Perfect for those looking to incorporate creative learning techniques outdoors in accessible and enjoyable ways! 

To see a sample section of the resource book or to order a copy please CLICK HERE


“Excellent ideas and superb resource which I intend to use ASAP.” Ellie Henderson, Knightswood Primary

“Lots of practical ideas and activities that can be used with my class. I didn’t really have many ideas before this but now I have been provided with lots.” Nicole Stephenson, Aultmore Park Primary

Uprooted Summer Tour


Thanks to the multi-talented cast and crew, our Summer tour of Uprooted was a blooming success (pun intended!)

Lily, Plum, Basil and the extraordinary Living Stage toured to outdoor venues, festivals and primary schools in Glasgow and East Renfrewshire reaching 1,364 children and adults, with some incredibly lucky weather!

After watching the multi-sensory story unfold to music, dance and some splendid acrobatics, audience members got to have a nibble, sniff and sip on the set’s produce. They were invited to take a closer peek at the tasty herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers growing out of the reclaimed set pieces that made up our quirky family’s home.

Throughout the month of August Uprooted was performed 31 times, toured by a cast and crew of 10 and a supporting cast of hundreds of plants! We were thrilled to perform the show at The Merchant City Festival, The Children’s Wood Harvest Festival and the inspirational outdoor settings of Barrhead Water Works and Kilmardinny House.

Uprooted was also performed to 44 primary school classes from P2-7 at St Vincent’s, Aultmore Park, Corpus Christi and Balornock Primary in Glasgow, where pupils who planted the Living Stage got to see their handiwork in full bloom.

“It made me feel wonderful, bright and bubbly.” Primary 5 Pupil, Corpus Christi Primary

“Fantastic show, imaginative, musical, whimsical. Growing plants is the way forward. Thank you!” Audience Member – Merchant City Festival

“Not to be missed! Fantastic, essential Creative Learning Experience. You will enjoy every minute and be entranced, amused and deeply moved by the experience. Thank you to all the stars!” Teacher, Balornock Primary

“I felt like the show brightened up my day.” Primary 5 Pupil, Corpus Christi Primary

“Staging of the show outside made it a bit more special. Outdoor atmosphere was calming and the set was beautiful – quite magical!” Teacher, St Vincent’s Primary

“The show made me feel calm and happy.” P5 Pupil, Balornock Primary

For more details on the Uprooted project:


Uprooted – Replanting of Set

replanting1 replanting2

After the tour we returned the Living Stage to the children who helped to grow it. In collaboration with the pupils from Corpus Christi Primary School, we replaced their austere steel fences and transformed their playground space into an enticing unique garden. The pupils were so excited to be given a beautiful play space for gardening, storytelling and nibbling for many years to come.

To watch the transformation here on our time lapse video CLICK HERE

“It made me feel happy to see people care about our planet.” P6/7 Pupil, Aultmore Park Primary

“I felt inspired to grow my own food at home.” P6/7 Pupil, Aultmore Park Primary

“The show made me feel motivated to be more Eco Friendly.” P6 Pupil, Balornock Primary

For more details on the Uprooted project:

Edinburgh – Creative Conversation with Martin Robinson

How Long has this been going on…..? is the title of the next Edinburgh City Creative Learning Network’s Creative Conversation with Martin Robinson, author of Trivium 21st Century.

Wednesday 7th October at 4pm for coffee and 4.30 for the Conversation.

The venue is Merchant’s Hall and you are invited to bring a colleague. Numbers wishing to attend continue to be high so please get back to me as soon as possible – and no later than Tuesday 6th October at 12noon.

Creative Conversation Invitation – Martin Robinson
Creative Conversation prog and info – Martin Robinson

Here is what has been said about Martin Robinson, author of Trivium 21st Century and our Creative Catalyst next Wednesday:

  •  Trivium 21st C also has questions for our national policy – in terms of the nature of the formal curriculum, accountability processes and public examinations. Do we have a system that will allow a curriculum like the one Martin Robinson describes to come into being beyond a few privileged institutions – or institutions for the privileged?
  • I’ve just finished reading this wonderful book and, as I said on twitter, it’s the best education book I’ve read by far. There are lots of teacher-tips books and plenty of academic system-reform or leadership books – but Trivium 21st C occupies different ground altogether.


And of the Creative Conversation last week:

  • That was a great session – thank you. I always come away inspired and challenged and I enjoy stepping back for a moment from the day-to-day life of Nursery to consider the bigger picture (Early Years)
  • It was a super event, Linda. Thank you. We thoroughly enjoyed it! (Primary)
  • Thank you for another excellent Creative Conversation yesterday – ideas shared were wonderful (Secondary)

To book your places email Linda Lees at

Catherine Wheels Theatre Company – News for Schools, Autumn 2015


Thank you all of you who visited us at the Edinburgh Fringe at Summerhall this summer. We enjoyed a sold-out run of The Voice Thief and added a Primary Times Children’s Choice Award to our office wall!


World-class Theatre in your school this spring?

 wheels2A highlight of our year is always when we perform to children in their own schools in Scotland. Our in-school production for spring term 2016 is The Story of a Little Gentleman, adapted from the much-loved Swedish children’s book by Barbro Lindgren, this production is a moving and humorous story about loneliness and the power of friendship.

Little Gentleman – Info for Schools 2016

Directed by Gill Robertson.

Suitable for P1-3 Touring February – April 2015 (70 performances available)

This production is specially adapted for school halls, is quick to set up and dismantle. Running time 50 mins. Maximum audience 120.

Cost = £350 + VAT (discounts apply when booking more than one performance)

Please see attached for full booking information.

Visits to the theatre this term?

wheels3Magic Sho

A new show about a rabbit who never misses a trick and a magician who sometimes forgets to say the magic word. Created by Shona Reppe, directed by Gill Robertson and Ian Cameron.

Suitable for P1-3 Monday 5th October at 1:30pm, Platform (Glasgow)

Thursday 19th & Fri 20th November at 1.30pm, Traverse Theatre (Edinburgh)

Magic Sho is touring throughout Scotland with family performances also in Stirling, Paisley, Hawick, Musselburgh, Greenock, St Andrews, Giffnock, Aberdeen, Inverness and Cumnock.

White is a playful show for very young children and is a perfect first-time theatre experience, returning to the Traverse Theatre Edinburgh this Christmas..

Created by Andy Manley and Ian Cameron. Designed by Shona Reppe.

Suitable for Nursery (or aged 2-4 years)

12th– 24th December, Traverse Theatre Edinburgh.

Click here for more information

wheels logo

Catherine Wheels Theatre Company is a multi-award winning company, based near Edinburgh, creating theatre especially for children. Since 1999, we have performed all over the world, including Broadway and Sydney Opera House but love most when we can perform at home. For more information on our theatre for schools, please contact




Catherine Wheels Theatre Company

Tel: +44 (0)131 653 5255

RSNO Young Ambassadors needed – 16-18 years – from every Local Authority

As an RSNO Young Ambassador youRSNO Young Ambassador you

can attend concerts for free and meet the

musicians and conductors. You

will also be on an advisory board to

discuss how the RSNO engages young

people in orchestral music and debate

current, relevant issues for the RSNO.

You don’t need to play an instrument

to take part in this scheme – we’re

looking for anyone who’s passionate

about making a difference to the

music scene in Scotland.

If you’re interested in becoming an

RSNO Young Ambassador, visit


to find out more and to download an

application form.

Closing date is

Thursday 17 September 2015.

You must be available for the interview

and induction day in Glasgow on

Saturday 19 September 2015


for a special project on

Saturday 3 and

Sunday 4 October 2015




RSNO Application Form 15-16


Young Amb Takeover 2016-web

Scranalogue – the Scran Blog

Scranalogue is the new home for rolling news, features, updates on Scran collections, learning and teaching materials and insights into our outreach activities.

September | this month find out about

  • The Ian Landles Archive, an oral history collection from Scottish Borders Council Archive Service, featuring fantastic material about the First World War, the old Borders railway and the suffragettes. #clickhear #IanLandlesArchive
  • Scran’s work with Skills for the Futuretrainees on The Scotsman Collections, a rich seam of social history on Scran.
  • New Pathfinders about Scotland’s historic propertiesin English and Gaelic, developed in partnership with Historic Scotland.

Visit our blog to find out more.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to Scranalogue. We welcome your feedback – you can comment on individual blog posts or contact us directly by clicking on the Scranalogue contact link. Look out for regular Scranalogue updates via Twitter | follow us

Best wishes from the Scran Team

Scran – culture, heritage, learning | web | blog | twitter @scranlife | email

Creative Competitions for School Food Day

Education Scotland is working in collaboration with a number of organisations to co-ordinate activities to celebrate Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink 2015.

You will find all of the currently active competitions on this page. Find out what’s on offer and submit your entry.

School Food Day

School Food Day 2015 is on September 23 and it’s the perfect time to celebrate Scotland’s natural larder.

Get your school involved by making a food pledge. You could:

  • Join the 12 noon lunch crunch by encouraging everyone to eat an apple at noon;
  • Hold a Scottish food festival;
  • Invite parents to school for lunch;
  • Run a food tasting challenge and try a Scottish food you’ve never had before.

Scottish Product Competition

Encourage learners to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test by designing a healthy new product that would increase the uptake of school meals.

The product must include at least one Scottish food or drink ingredient and be backed by an innovative advertising campaign.

Schools should submit their entries to by 23 September 2015.

Initial ideas should fit on one A4 sheet. These will be shortlisted by a team of judges, with up to 10 schools chosen to participate in a final event on December 4 at Brakes Scottish headquarters at Newhouse, North Lanarkshire.

Pupils participating in the final event will receive a support pack, and costs of transport ot the final venue will be covered.

Scottish School Meal Recipe Competition

This competition aims to promote pupils’ creativity and cooking skills by encouraging them to devise a recipe featuring Scottish produce that could be added to the school meals menu.

Recipes should include a combination of healthy ingredients, including at least one item of Scottish food or drink.

Pupils should research the the main food standards for school meal provision in Scotland, and they are advised to consult school cooks when planning their recipes.

Entries should be sent to by 23 September 2015. Winners will be notified by December 4.

Local Provenance Poster Competition

Pupils are being encouraged to think about where our food comes from by creating posters that highlight Scottish produce.

The aim is to boost understanding of local provenance as well as the skills involved in the processing and production of traditional products including milk, potatoes and fish.

Entries should be sent to The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DU or by 23 September 2015. Winners will be notified by December 4.

Posters should be A4 or A3, landscape or portrait, with the entrant’s name, school, class and school telephone number on the back.

Download details of all the competitions

PDF file: Food and health – Competitions 2015 (982 KB)

Spectacular A grade results for dance students at Eden Court

This week, Eden Court have revealed another year of consistently high exam results from their trio of SQA drama and dance courses, and have been earmarked as an exemplar of best practice by the Scottish Qualification Authority.


Supported by Highland Council and Highlife Highland, Eden Court CREATIVE provides tuition in National 5 Drama, Higher Drama and Higher Dance courses for students whose schools often can’t provide these qualifications. All of the classes, assessments and performances take place over weekends and holidays to fit around regular schooling, and students can attend from all corners of the Highlands; so participation requires a lot of dedication and the results seem to speak for themselves!


Among the 35 students who took one the courses in 2014-15, the theatre has announced a 100% pass rate, with at least 21 students achieving an ‘A’. This shows even further improvement on the results in 2013-14, which also returned a 100% pass rate and saw 12 ‘A’ grades from the 28 student intake.


The Higher Dance students did particularly well, with all six students achieving ‘A’ grades, and the results are being noticed in wider circles. SQA recently contacted Eden Court CREATIVE to request video footage of Higher Dance classes to use as an exemplar of best practice throughout Scotland.


Lucy McGlennon, Eden Court CREATIVE Manager said:

Our SQA courses are going from strength to strength, each year we are seeing more students taking part and their work continues to improve. We work hard to provide the best learning opportunities we can for these disciplines, which some students wouldn’t have access to otherwise and it’s wonderful to see those opportunities being recognised – we’re all incredibly proud of our students and the work they’ve produced!

The 2015-16 session started during the summer holidays and this year received the highest number of successful applications to date, all three courses are at full capacity. Details for next year’s courses are published by Eden Court CREATIVE in December and anyone interested in receiving further information is encouraged to email

Aged 15-25 in the Renfrewshire area? Creative Industries Programme

RSNO Paisley Takeover


Interested in a career in the arts or creative industries? Aged 15 – 25 and live or study in the Renfrewshire area? Then this is for you!


Takeover is an intensive employability programme open to anyone living or studying in the Renfrewshire area aged 15 – 25 years. This project is being run as part of the Paisley City of Culture 2021 Bid.

We’re looking for around 60 young people to work across the departments of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) to produce a public concert as part of The Spree festival.


Opportunities will exist across all aspects of the organisation. For those over 18 there are places available in marketing, development, learning and engagement, artistic planning, presentation & operations, conducting and performing as a musician in the orchestra.

School pupils can apply to learning & engagement, conducting and as a musician in the orchestra.


For more information on the types of roles within the RSNO, please see our Careers Booklet.


The opportunity to participate is free but you must be available on the dates outlined below.


To participate, please download, complete and return an application form to or post to:


RSNO Paisley Takeover

Town Centres Events and Projects Team

Renfrewshire House

Cotton Street




Application forms can be downloaded from the RSNO website:


Key dates for Paisley Takeover 2015 for school pupils:

What Date Who Venue
Closing date for applications 31 August All applicants n/a
Interview date 25 Aug & 3 Sep All applicants Renfrewshire House
Induction morning – TBC 5 September All participants Paisley Grammar
Concert 12 & 13 October All participants Paisley Town Hall
Learning and Engagementworkshops 5 – 9 October &12-15 October Only those involved in the L&E department Schools across Paisley& The Spiegeltent at The Spree
Musician rehearsals 26 September, 3 & 10 October Only those who are playing in the orchestra Paisley Abbey

Download the PDF here: RSNO Paisley Takeover

Travelling Gallery is touring Scotland – Turner Prize Winners


Touring Scotland in the Travelling Gallery from 21st August – December 2015

This year will be the first year the prestigious Turner Prize, award by the Tate Gallery will take place in Scotland when it will be hosted by the Tramway art space in Glasgow from October to January. To complement this event the Travelling Gallery is delighted to bring to you this exhibition which includes art from a selection of the Scottish artists who have been past Turner Prize winners and nominees.

Artists included in the exhibition are: Christine Borland with Brody Condon, Martin Boyce, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Douglas Gordon, Callum Innes, Jim Lambie, Ciara Phillips, David Shrigley, and Lucy Skaer. Many of the artists in this exhibition have exhibited previously in the Travelling Gallery, albeit some time ago and before their Turner nominations, so it has been a great pleasure to work with them again and exhibit new or recent work.

Travelling Gallery Curator Alison Chisholm said “We have a great line-up of some of the most successful contemporary artists to come from Scotland in this exhibition and we are really looking forward to taking it on tour”.

The Travelling Gallery is a mobile contemporary art gallery, custom-built in a big, beautiful bus. The gallery is supported by Creative Scotland, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the Museums and Arts Division of the City of Edinburgh Council. The EYES ON THE PRIZE exhibition has been curated specifically for this unique space, and will travel the length and breadth of Scotland, visiting schools, high streets, community centres, and many other venues on the way. Travelling Gallery staff are always available to give formal, and not so formal, presentations on the exhibition at every stop.

The Travelling Gallery is fresh from its recent partnership with V&A Dundee. The Design In Motion exhibition displayed the work of 7 Scottish designers who use digital technology to explore new ways of working. The tour was a great success and resulted in the Travelling Gallery’s first visit to London where it parked outside the V&A Museum in South Kensington.

The Design In Motion exhibition came with a new temporary livery for the Travelling Gallery – who have now commissioned artist Mike Inglis to design a stunning new look for the mobile gallery – The Ark Camps. Mike Inglis will be giving a talk about his new design when the Travelling Gallery visits Custom House in Leith on Thursday 27th August as part of LeithLate 2015.

The Travelling Gallery will tour EYES ON THE PRIZE to schools and community venues in the following areas:

22-28 August Edinburgh
1-4 September Glasgow
7 -18 September Highlands
21-25 September Orkney Isles
28 Sept – 2 October Highlands
5 October Nairn
6-9 October Moray
19-23 October East Dunbartonshire
26-30 October South Ayrshire
2-6 November Perth and Kinross
9-12 November North Ayrshire
16-20 November Dumfries and Galloway
23-27 November West Lothian and Stirling
30 Nov – 5 December Glasgow

During the Edinburgh Art Festival the Travelling Gallery will be visiting the following venues:

22 August City Art Centre, Edinburgh 11-5
25 August Collective Gallery, Calton Hill, Edinburgh 11-6
26 August George Street, Edinburgh 11-5
27 August Custom House, Leith – A LeithLate 2015 event 12-6
28 August Modern 2, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art 10-6

News, opportunities, research and strategy relating to creative teaching and learning in Scotland

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