Category Archives: Technologies

Creative approaches to learning: live and virtual experiences

Definition of a Dream ‘A state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings’ – definition of a dream

Friday 6 June 2014 (10:00 – 16:00)

Target Audience

Emporium-logoEveryone interested in creative approaches to learning, including the role of live and virtual experiences.

No venue as this is online for registration only
This is a free event.


PLEASE NOTE: To register initial interest for the event please email Paul Gorman

Using subtle and rewarding storytelling this live and virtual experience will take place over three days during the Emporium of Dangerous Ideas 2014.  Participants will be invited to inhabit a fictional world that breaks the boundaries they have in their imaginations.

Participants will follow a multi-linear narrative that will lead them through a series of highly visual, physical experiences that connect to an overarching story. Combining online platforms and real-world environments, the groups will start to connect their unique experiences to make their own meaning and find the next part of the adventure.

More information about the experience will be shared at the Emporium of Dangerous Ideas launch on Friday 6 June.  However information will be released from the end of May.  If you would like to find out more or sign up to be a participant contact .

Participants are welcome from across Scotland and beyond.  Although the experience will occur over three days it won’t be essential to commit to all of the time.  The journey will exist in the virtual and live world to enable anyone to contribute.


To think differently about the role of live and virtual experiences in shaping learning.

Karen Lawson Phone: 01786 892024
Event co-ordinator:
Samantha Hay Phone: 01786 892007

NESTA Primary One Day Digital Creativity CPD event

NESTA Primary One Day Digital Creativity CPD event on Saturday 10 May, University of Glasgow

Nesta are running a one day digital creativity CPD event for primary school teachers. Find out more about digital activities you can introduce into your own classroom. Choose from four workshops on website creation, animation, Scratch and Kodu. No previous experience is necessary.

Skills Fusion – VFX film careers outreach programme

Skills Fusion is a VFX film careers outreach programme. Funded by Creative Skillset ( , the Sector Skills Council for the Creative Industries, its aim is to highlight the skills shortage that the UK film industry faces in this sector and the opportunities, particularly in the more technical specialist roles that rely on strong educational foundations in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), and computer science subjects, available to students.

Full details:

Gaming project opens up new worlds of creativity – TES article

“Part of it is embracing uncertainty, being open to whatever comes up,” said Dangerous Ideas curator Karen Lawson. “It’s about a belief that everybody is creative, and helping them to realise that.”

TES article exploring the Festival of Dangerous Ideas and how two primary, secondary and colleges from Scotland and Norway collaborated on an innovative online gaming project that developed new ways of learning.

The Skills Development Scotland Schools Competition – ‘Discover MY Scotland’

The Discover MY Scotland competition, which is being organised by Skills Development Scotland in conjunction with Education Scotland, Upskill People and Springboard, is asking every secondary school in Scotland to get together individuals, or groups of students, to design an online Discovery Trail for visitors wanting to discover the local area.

The Discovery Trail needs to have an interactive map containing an overview of your local area and why you think people should visit it.

Each school will receive a certificate from SDS and Springboard and the winning school, individual or team, will receive a day’s experience in a leading tourism venue plus a winner’s plaque.

For more information and to register, please visit the competition website.

New report on Assessing Creativity across many subjects available on Creativity Portal

Led by the University of Dundee and funded by Creative Scotland, this project gathered the views of three groups of professionals working within the expressive arts with the aim of identifying effective and innovative models of assessment of creativity. These models were documented and used to develop case studies in the format of a teaching resource for application across the whole curriculum. The resource was piloted and evaluated by the research and development team in collaboration with teachers and initial teacher education (ITE) providers.

Click here to find the downloadable file:

The project develops the links between arts organisations, schools and ITE providers through data collection; shared analysis and evaluation; and through the development, application and dissemination of findings. In this way stronger partnerships have been established as recommended in Teaching  Scotland’s  Future  (Donaldson  2010)

inGenious competition brings STEM classes to life

A new competition has been launched to inspire the most creative teaching minds to translate their passion for science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects into exciting classroom experiences.

The inGenious competition – co-ordinated in the UK by Futurelab at NFER – calls for all teachers in Europe to help their pupils better see the link between their passions, the set of skills which make them possible, and the education paths leading to those skills.

The inGenious competition is open to all teachers at primary and secondary school level. Applications are open until 28 February 2014, and 30 finalists will be invited to attend the inGenious European Award Ceremony in Brussels later in the year.

Game On Scotland news: The Queen’s Baton Design

This Glow Meet allows learners to:

  • hear from the Queen’s Baton designer Will Mitchell (4cDesign) & share their own a baton design ideas
  • find out more about the challenges of producing lawn bowls from Grant Heron Taylor bowls
  • learn how they can get involved in the Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award from Angela Greene from Primary Engineers.

In order for your learners to get involved most effectively in this session why not:

  • Set your class a baton design challenge
  • prepare a 2 minute pitch of your idea to Will Mitchell from 4cDesign (Dragons’ Den Style) on the day.

Please register for the Glow Meet before 26 Nov. We will aim to have as many schools as possible involved in the challenge.  For more information email Kirsty McFaul (DO Technologies)

Join us on Tuesday,  26 November (11 am – 12 noon) for the second of our Game on Scotland Technologies Glow meets. (Glow meet sign-up:

Twig on Glow – volunteers needed for video editing pilot

Following the success of the Twig Summer Challenge, Twig On Glow are looking for classes who would like to try out our video editing tool. Twig Studio is a new online video editor that allows students to make films from scratch, using high quality clips as well as their own footage, voiceover and music.
A pilot of a new and improved version of the editing tool will start at the end of October and Twig are looking for Scottish schools to participate. The pilot will be suitable for students from P5 to S6.

If you think your class would be interested in taking part, or for more information, please contact Alex,

Digital Creativity CPD

Nesta, the UK’s innovation charity, are running a day’s CPD on digital creativity for teachers so they can teach young people the digital skills they will need in the future. Teachers can learn website development, computer animation, character design, video editing, app development, visual programming and how to design and print 3D objects. Teachers will get support materials on the day so they can use the skills they have learned back in the classroom with their pupils.

Nesta are working with a range of partners including CoderDojo, Mozilla, RunRev and Maklab to make sure that teachers attending get a real feel for how these technologies work and get a chance to work hands-on with them over the day so they are able to pass that on to their pupils.

The event is on Saturday 23 November at the University of Edinburgh.  For more information and to reserve place go to