Category Archives: THIS IS A TEST

Dare to Dream Campaign – a Scotland-wide initiative inviting and creating space for children to imagine their personal and collective futures

For the Attention of Headteachers, Faculty Heads and All Teachers:

We are aware that creativity is high on the agenda and is part of many School Improvement Plans for the upcoming academic year. For the first time creativity is embedded in HGIOS 4 quality indicators. We hope that this initiative is an easy way to progress creative learning in your school community with maximum impact, at the same time creating a positive and inclusive experience for pupils.
Invitation to All Schools:
We invite all schools in Scotland to be a part of our  Dare to Dream  campaign 2016.  The campaign  is an outreach initiative from this year’s  Scottish International Storytelling Festival and will run from September to November. 
“Discover the stories of the past and dream the stories of the future. What are the stories of your local place? What stories would you tell to the world today, from the future of your dreams? Everything created must first be imagined: explore the possible and Dare to Dream!”
By taking part, your school will be contributing to a Scotland-wide initiative inviting and creating space for children to imagine their personal and collective futures, which in turn will build confidence to begin to make these aspirations and ambitions a reality.
The principles of creative learningactive learning and inclusion are embedded in this project. Through dreaming, the liberating power of the imagination is open to everyone – neither language nor disability are barriers to participation. The campaign is relevant to the entire school and to every subject area. Activities will also help meet outcomes in both Literacy and Health and Wellbeing.
In an ever-changing world, we believe that it is vital that children are educated about their role and the value they have in shaping a vibrant and sustainable future. By setting learning in the context of your local school and focusing on issues relevant to your pupils, our #DareToDream campaign provides a great opportunity for you to encourage children to think about their right to participate, empowering and enabling them to become active citizens, both locally and globally. We provide the context for learning and suggest tasks and activities, but there is no limit on where this engaging topic could be taken in the classroom.

How to Take Part:
We have made it as simple as possible for teachers to take part, with the options for engaging in more depth should the individual teacher so wish. In a secondary school context, we have suggested a simple activity that could take place in registration class.
Our info for teachers can be found on our website under the tab ‘For Teachers.’ This includes a schools’ toolkit and information about how to book a storyteller if you wish.
We have also worked in partnership with  heritage organisationsmental health organisationsartists and storytellers  to create simple resources for you to use. All additional learning resources will be available on our website when we launch our campaign to the public, the week beginning *Monday 22nd Aug.* Resouces will also be available on GLOW.
If you are interested, please register your name, contact, school and postcode by clicking the link below. We will send you an update with links to all resources and materials.
Showcase your school online:


We will run a #DareToDream social media campaign for the duration of the main International Festival, from the 21st – 31st November. During this period we will make visible all contributions via our online platform. This is an opportunity to showcase your own school’s contribution with the wider community should you so wish in the form of a blog, video, photographs or otherwise.
As part of our social media campaign, we will have a special #DareToDream Day on Thursday 28th October. On this day, we will encourage every creative citizen in Scotland to share a dream for the future on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the campaign hashtag. Our aim is to make visible Scotland’s collective imagination for all to see!


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. We hope you’ll join us and Dare to Dream!

With best wishes,

Mairi McFadyen

National Storytelling Co-ordinator | TRACS
Direct Dial : 0131 652 3272 Reception: 0131 556 9579
Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, EH1 1SR

Gifting Every Child

What songs, stories, dance steps and seasonal customs should every child in Scotland know? What belongs to them regardless of origin, culture or language? Presented in a simple online format incorporating text, audio, video and helpful guidelines, Gifting Every Child provides a manageable and accessible introduction to the traditional arts that can easily be put to use in the classroom, club, community hall or family sitting room.

View or download the resources for free at:

2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design – events

2016 is the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design (YIAD). Events forming part of a year-long programme will use our stunning architecture, thriving creative industries and spirit of invention to show visitors that Scotland stands shoulder to shoulder with the very best in the world when it comes to cutting edge, contemporary design and technological knowhow.

As part of this VisitScotland have launched the new Spirit of Scotland campaign. It focusses on seven traits that best describe the people and landscapes of Scotland: warmth, humour, guts, spark, soul, determination and fun.


With 28 funded events and an increasing array of partner events, the programme for the Year is fuller and more exciting than ever.


Details about all events are available on the VisitScotland website.


Upcoming events include:


The Worm – An Underground Adventure

16-9 format worms for webTour booking is now open for Eco Drama’s 2016 production The Worm – An Underground Adventure.

Touring from Jan-March 2016, The Worm, is an enchanting, musical tale celebrating the wonder of life beneath our feet, specially devised for Nursery and P1-3.

Underneath your feet in the muddy brown soil squirms the world’s best kept secret…a wonderful, magical creature called the Worm. Join Wilma and William, two nature lovers, on a journey underground as they discover a family of friendly, musical worms and their colourful miniature world. The Worm is a fun filled musical tale guaranteed to make everyone giggle, wiggle and love the squirmy wonders beneath our feet.

After the performance, the audience are invited to see some real worms in a specially designed wormery.

Watch a short clip of The Worm on Vimeo:

Curriculum for Excellence links: Social Studies:People, Place & Environment, Science: Planet Earth, Expressive Arts: Drama & Music

Eco Schools links:Food & the Environment, Bio Diversity, School Grounds

To book contact Sara Marshall on or call 07982 159 071

“Fantastic. Children were captivated from the onset. Discussion afterwards highlighted their obvious enjoyment. I felt the need to compliment the 2 performers after the show and tell them that this was one of the best shows I had ever seen in a school.” Sharon Barclay, Aultmore Park Primary

The Worm at Lochgelly Centre, Looking for Hats

Skills for the Future Traineeship Opportunity

In 2014 the National Galleries of Scotland welcomed its first Skills for the Future trainees.  Six young people, aged between 18 and 24, joined us for a paid 18 month traineeship where they learn to digitise our collections, gain an SQA accredited qualification, and most importantly, substantial workplace experience.  Our trainees gain a Level 7 SQA Customised Award in Collections Digitisation, the credits gained from which can be used towards university entrance conditions.  Expert members of staff from across the organisation, from curators to art handlers, photographers to digital media, provide hands on training that equip trainees with the broadest possible experience, helping to give increase job prospects upon graduation. 


We are looking for young people with an interest in the cultural heritage sector, a passion for leaning, and a keen interest in photography, to join our second cohort of trainees.  Recruitment will begin in Spring 2016 with a start date of September 2016.  We are planning to visit schools, colleges, and community groups to talk to groups of potential applicants and deliver activity based sessions that will describe exactly what digitisation is and what it involves, during the spring.  We are looking for young people who will be 18 by the 1st September 2016.  Please let us know if you would like us to come and talk to your school, college or community group by contacting Project Coordinator, Nicole Meehan at  And we would be very grateful if you would forward this information to any other school/college/community group you think may be interested in this opportunity.

Project website:

Project contact:


Opportunities for teachers and young people interested in portraiture

BP Portrait Award: Next Generation Taster Sessions

Saturday 31 October       10am-1pm or 2– 5pm

Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen St, Edinburgh EH2 1JD

Get a taste for portraiture with these experimental sessions.

Taster Session BP Portrait AwardMeet artists Fraser Gray and BP Portrait Award winning artist Owen Normand for a guided tour of the BP Portrait Award 2015 exhibition, experiment with a range of media and techniques and connect with other young people.

There will be a chance to look at an artist’s sketchbooks and ask questions.

All materials are provided. Attend either session. No experience needed, only enthusiasm!

Places will be allocated on a first come basis.

Book your free place now email or call 0131 624 6547


BP Portrait Award: Next Generation 2-day Winter School

Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 November  11am – 4pm

Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen St, Edinburgh EH2 1JD

Winter School BP Portrait AwardWorking with 2 artists, Fraser Gray and past BP Portrait Award winning artist Gareth Reid, you will creatively explore portrait painting techniques, from a life model.  All materials are provided. Places are by written application only and will be offered to 14-19 year olds who demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment. You must attend both days.

If you live outside Edinburgh & the Lothians, you may apply for a travel bursary.

For enquiries and an application form please email or call 0131 624 6547



·         Professional Learning for Teachers: Experimental Drawing CPD

Friday 4 December 2015 1.30-4.30pm OR Saturday 5 December 2015 11am–4pm

Scottish National Portrait Gallery, FREE

‘If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.’ Jim Rohn

These sessions take BP Portrait Award 2015 as a starting point to experiment with media and techniques, and challenge you to discover new ways of making marks, by risking the unusual. There will be time to discuss ideas for use in the classroom. Book Friday for a brief introductory session, or Saturday if you want more time to experiment. Places will be allocated on a first come basis. Book now




Design a Christmas card competition – Traidcraft

Enter Traidcraft’s Festive Competition to Win Lovely Fair Trade Prizes for Your School!


Traidcraft are asking schools and youth groups to get their creative juices flowing this festive season and design a unique Christmas card for their Design a Christmas Card competition.

All themes and formats will be considered, including collage, drawings and those designed on a computer. Many of Traidcraft’s fair trade cards show a religious theme, so why not even incorporate this activity into a religious studies lesson?

The winners will receive £50 to spend in the Traidcraft fair trade online shop, where you can find treats, novelties, gifts, and seasonal goodies galore!


You can read more about how to enter by visiting the Traidcraft website.,3QOCE,KX1ATA,DGSZ3,1


RSNO Young Ambassadors needed – 16-18 years – from every Local Authority

As an RSNO Young Ambassador youRSNO Young Ambassador you

can attend concerts for free and meet the

musicians and conductors. You

will also be on an advisory board to

discuss how the RSNO engages young

people in orchestral music and debate

current, relevant issues for the RSNO.

You don’t need to play an instrument

to take part in this scheme – we’re

looking for anyone who’s passionate

about making a difference to the

music scene in Scotland.

If you’re interested in becoming an

RSNO Young Ambassador, visit


to find out more and to download an

application form.

Closing date is

Thursday 17 September 2015.

You must be available for the interview

and induction day in Glasgow on

Saturday 19 September 2015


for a special project on

Saturday 3 and

Sunday 4 October 2015




RSNO Application Form 15-16


Young Amb Takeover 2016-web

Creative Competitions for School Food Day

Education Scotland is working in collaboration with a number of organisations to co-ordinate activities to celebrate Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink 2015.

You will find all of the currently active competitions on this page. Find out what’s on offer and submit your entry.

School Food Day

School Food Day 2015 is on September 23 and it’s the perfect time to celebrate Scotland’s natural larder.

Get your school involved by making a food pledge. You could:

  • Join the 12 noon lunch crunch by encouraging everyone to eat an apple at noon;
  • Hold a Scottish food festival;
  • Invite parents to school for lunch;
  • Run a food tasting challenge and try a Scottish food you’ve never had before.

Scottish Product Competition

Encourage learners to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test by designing a healthy new product that would increase the uptake of school meals.

The product must include at least one Scottish food or drink ingredient and be backed by an innovative advertising campaign.

Schools should submit their entries to by 23 September 2015.

Initial ideas should fit on one A4 sheet. These will be shortlisted by a team of judges, with up to 10 schools chosen to participate in a final event on December 4 at Brakes Scottish headquarters at Newhouse, North Lanarkshire.

Pupils participating in the final event will receive a support pack, and costs of transport ot the final venue will be covered.

Scottish School Meal Recipe Competition

This competition aims to promote pupils’ creativity and cooking skills by encouraging them to devise a recipe featuring Scottish produce that could be added to the school meals menu.

Recipes should include a combination of healthy ingredients, including at least one item of Scottish food or drink.

Pupils should research the the main food standards for school meal provision in Scotland, and they are advised to consult school cooks when planning their recipes.

Entries should be sent to by 23 September 2015. Winners will be notified by December 4.

Local Provenance Poster Competition

Pupils are being encouraged to think about where our food comes from by creating posters that highlight Scottish produce.

The aim is to boost understanding of local provenance as well as the skills involved in the processing and production of traditional products including milk, potatoes and fish.

Entries should be sent to The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DU or by 23 September 2015. Winners will be notified by December 4.

Posters should be A4 or A3, landscape or portrait, with the entrant’s name, school, class and school telephone number on the back.

Download details of all the competitions

PDF file: Food and health – Competitions 2015 (982 KB)

Spectacular A grade results for dance students at Eden Court

This week, Eden Court have revealed another year of consistently high exam results from their trio of SQA drama and dance courses, and have been earmarked as an exemplar of best practice by the Scottish Qualification Authority.


Supported by Highland Council and Highlife Highland, Eden Court CREATIVE provides tuition in National 5 Drama, Higher Drama and Higher Dance courses for students whose schools often can’t provide these qualifications. All of the classes, assessments and performances take place over weekends and holidays to fit around regular schooling, and students can attend from all corners of the Highlands; so participation requires a lot of dedication and the results seem to speak for themselves!


Among the 35 students who took one the courses in 2014-15, the theatre has announced a 100% pass rate, with at least 21 students achieving an ‘A’. This shows even further improvement on the results in 2013-14, which also returned a 100% pass rate and saw 12 ‘A’ grades from the 28 student intake.


The Higher Dance students did particularly well, with all six students achieving ‘A’ grades, and the results are being noticed in wider circles. SQA recently contacted Eden Court CREATIVE to request video footage of Higher Dance classes to use as an exemplar of best practice throughout Scotland.


Lucy McGlennon, Eden Court CREATIVE Manager said:

Our SQA courses are going from strength to strength, each year we are seeing more students taking part and their work continues to improve. We work hard to provide the best learning opportunities we can for these disciplines, which some students wouldn’t have access to otherwise and it’s wonderful to see those opportunities being recognised – we’re all incredibly proud of our students and the work they’ve produced!

The 2015-16 session started during the summer holidays and this year received the highest number of successful applications to date, all three courses are at full capacity. Details for next year’s courses are published by Eden Court CREATIVE in December and anyone interested in receiving further information is encouraged to email