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JRSO update

On Tuesday 12th of March Ollie and Rosie traveled to the City Chambers to make a film about road safety around Wallacewell Primary. They had a great experience learning about the task of making a film and all the jobs associated with creating images for a film. The next task is to share their video with the school.

P7A stem challenge

This week P7A learned about our solar system and the planets. They also learned how to create scale models through their maths learning. Using this knowledge P7A pupils were able to create scale drawings of the planets and including their distance from the sun. The pupils managed to use their knowledge of division and measure to create accurate scale drawings. Very well done!


STEM Afternoon

Primary 2 had on their engineering heads at the STEM afternoon when they had to design and build their own freestanding Christmas tree. Lots of planning and team work when on in the classroom.


We are delighted to share this term’s morning and after school clubs.  Last term we targeted upper school, this term we have introduced clubs for our middle school and, next term, we will target our lower school pupils.  For those pupils in the dance club, the City of Dance Heats will take place on 28th November at St Roch’s Secondary, 3.30 – 5pm.  As always, if you have a PVG Certificate and would like to support the school by leading any extra curricular activities, please get in touch.

September Catch Up

Last month we were busy in numeracy working on different addition and subtraction strategies to help us all find one that works for us.  Some children challenged themselves by working together to complete the tarsia puzzles.

We have also been extending our knowledge of 2D shapes and making tiling patterns.

Lastly we were lucky to have the opportunity to get outdoors and visit  Robroyston Wildlife Park with Gavin who is one of the rangers.  He was fantastic and it was great to learn about our local area.  We were very lucky with the weather which made the visit even better.