Category Archives: Eco News

Eco Flag – We did it !

After all our hard work this last year we received some fantastic news to end to our year – we have been awarded our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.  Over the past year we have been working towards our different targets.  We have been recycling, reducing food waste, making community links, upcycling our rubbish, learning more about the Rights of the Child and much more.  Everyone has been involved and it was  a lovely way to finish the year.


Eco Schools – Crisp Packet Recycling

As part of our Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Eco school aim Primary 5 are recycling crisp packets.  These are an item you can’t put in your recycling bin at home but can be recycled at lots of local supermarkets saving them from ending up in landfill sites.  Our blue bin is in our playground every snack time and so far we have recycled approximately 2809 crisp packets.


Air Pollution Event

Last week some of the children attended an Air Pollution event at the City Chambers in Glasgow.  It started with some interesting presentations on the effects of air pollution on us and why it is important we try to take more action to reduce this.  We then got to view displays from other schools showing what they have been doing to try and help improve the air quality in their local communities.

Sustainability Week in P5

Primary 5 had a great start to the new term building bug hotels and learning lots of interesting facts with Donald from Wildside Nature. We even managed to find some sunshine for the occasion.


In class we continued our sustainability theme discussing what we use fossil fuels for, how they are formed why we need to move away from using them.  We then researched what we could do in our homes to live more sustainably.

At the end of the week we took part in the community clean up.  Thankfully we managed to get some dry weather for it.

Upcycling success

We had a great end to Sustainability week displaying all the upcycling projects. There were lots of original designs and we were very impressed with the hard work that had gone in to making them.  It is amazing what you can make out of items that would usually be thrown in the bin. There were piggy banks, a kalidescope, plant pots, rockets, a pinball machine and lots more fantastic ideas.  We even had a moving carousel powered by an old toy.

One of our aims on our Eco Action plan is to reduce, reuse and recycle.  As part of this the Eco committee have set a challenge over the Easter break for pupils to upcycle some of their rubbish into something useful.  We look forward to seeing what you can make and have fun with this challenge.  Good luck!

Our new Eco Mascot

We would like to introduce Wally our new Wallacewell Eco Mascot who was designed by one of our fabulous P4s.

Our Eco committee ran a whole school competition to find a mascot and received some amazing entries making choosing one really difficult. They eventually narrowed it down to these 6 before all voting on their favourite.


It was a close result but Wally was our winner. I thought it was a great choice of name as not is it connected to the school but he shares his name with Wall-E the earth cleaning robot from the Disney Pixar movie.

P3 Playground Litter Pick

As part of our whole school Eco Action Plan, P3 were given the aim to improve the environmental quality of the school. Last Friday both P3a and P3b worked as a team to pick up all the litter in our playground. The children had a brilliant time using the litter pickers and working together. Afterwards the children created their own posters to encourage others to keep our school litter free and help us achieve our aim.

Our School Eco Code

This week our Eco committee got together to write our Eco Code which is a reminder to us all about the steps we are need to take to help improve our school environment.  This was all their own work and I think their acrostic poem is a fantastic representation of our plans.