Author Archives: Miss Mackenzie

P3a – Developing The Young Workforce Week

This week this children have been learning all about the wider world of work. We were very lucky to have professionals come to visit and talk about their careers. The children loved learning about being a scientist, and fire fighter. We ended our week by discussing all the skills the children have and used improvisation and role play to create their own mock interviews for their dream jobs! What a fabulous week!

What a week! -P3a

This week the children have been very busy with their learning. We had fun recording and taking part in short talks about Ancient Egypt.

In maths we have been working on applying our knowledge of the 4 operations, and learning about symmetry. The children experienced this through play and games. They especially enjoyed our symmetry game ‘anything you can do I can do’. Take a look at their creations!

In P.E for fitness we have been learning about building our stamina. The children tried something different this week and had a go at yoga. Everyone did such a fantastic job creating and holding all of the different poses. Ask us to show you some of our new moves.

In the play area the children got very creative at the origami station, they created origami cats. Some of the children got very creative and tapped into the force (using their critical thinking and problem solving skills) to turn their cats into little baby Yoda’s well done P3a!

World Book Day – P3a

Thursday was World Book Day. The children celebrated by dressing up as their favourite book character or coming into school in their pyjamas. At assembly we heard some fabulous readers from all stages in our school, and of course D did P3a proud by reading a passage from his favourite Harry Potter book.

In class the celebrations continued and we turned our classroom into a ‘Reading Restaurant’. The children had the opportunity to discuss their favourite books and use HOT’s question dice to support their discussions. They then used drama to retell some of their favourite stories. The children loved writing sandwich book reports, and they had fun creating new characters at our ‘build a body buffet’. We all really enjoyed ourselves and loved having time to read some of our favourite stories.

Primary 3 Easter Showcase Prep

This week the children have been very busy getting ready for next weeks Easter Learning Showcase. Our learning has been focussing on expressive arts. We have been singing, using drama performance skills, playing instruments and creating art work to explore our Easter Topic. We have been working so hard and as always I am incredibly proud of what the children have achieved. Well Done P3a!

Diversity Day – P3

P3 had a wonderful time celebrating Diversity Day. The children loved learning about the importance of celebrating our uniqueness. We read ‘Our Diversity Makes Us Special’ a wonderful story by Elizabeth Cole. We then used the story to help start discussion about the things that make us different. We finished our learning by joining together to learn about all of our differences.

P3a – Weekly Round-Up

P3a have had a fabulous time being back at school after the February break. The children especially loved learning to play the recorder, we cannot wait to showcase this new learning to everybody in March.

In R.M.E the children have been learning about Islam and the importance of caring for all living things. We watched two traditional stories then discussed ways we can help care for animals. The children then used improvisation and tableaux to explore this important message.

Finally the children ended the week with an active maths lesson. Thank you to all the parents that were able to come along to observe and support this learning. The children rotated through different maths stations all focusing on the Four Operations, 2D and 3D shapes. They were able to use all of our learned strategies to help solve the different numeracy problems.

P3a ZooLab

Primary 3a loved taking part in the ZooLab workshop last Thursday. We learnt all about different African animals. The children had the opportunity to meet and hold some exotic animals including a Giant African Snail, a Hissing cockroach, a Corn Snake and a Tree Frog. Everybody was fascinated with these wonderful creatures.

Ancient Egypt P3a

This week we have been focused on our Ancient Egypt topic. The children worked in groups to create these 3 dimensional maps of Egypt using salt dough and paint.

In our play area we had a go at making papyrus paper, created our own Tutankhamun portraits, and followed rhythm patters with instruments.

Scots Language Week – P3a

Last week we celebrated Scots Language week, the children took part in a wide range of learning experiences which celebrated the Scottish language.

As a class we read ‘Neeps and Tatties’ a wonderful book written by Carey Morning and Anna York. The children discussed all of the different Scots words from the text we translated these and discussed their meanings. The class then created their own tartans to display our new learned Scots vocabulary. What a bonnie display they have made.

As a class we discussed the meaning behind the text and used our after reading skills to summarise the story. The children then took on the role of illustrators and designed and created their own front cover for the book.

Finally we ended the week learning about traditional Waulking Songs. The children used their imagination to simulate waulking (working) the fabric as they sang the tradition Gaelic song ‘Hè Mo Leannan’.