Author Archives: Miss Mackenzie

Last week of term in P1c

The children had a fabulous week engaging with all of their learning. The children worked so hard consolidating their numeracy learning through a range of active numeracy activities.

In literacy the children spent lots of time developing their letter formation, recognising initial sounds in words and enjoyed sequencing stories. We ended the week with some ‘have a go writing’. As always the children worked extremely hard to challenge themselves.

This week we finished our ‘Enchanted Forest’ topic. The children had some much fun exploring traditional tales in the playroom and loved learning about trees and why they are so important.

We finished our week with a ‘Ready, Steady, Sing’ workshop from the YMI CREATE team. The children absolutely loved all the singing and dancing.

As always I am incredibly proud of all the progress made this term, and I hope all of the children enjoy a well deserved break. Well done P1c!

P1c – Enchanted Forest

The children have been enjoying their new topic, Enchanted Forest. In the playroom the children have engaged well with all experiences. They especially loved creating soundscapes with all the different instruments and creating their very own enchanted forest picture. Well done P1c!

Play in P1c

The children have had a wonderful week engaging in their learning during their time in the playroom. This week all play provisions supported development with challenges in STEM. The children worked so well together and challenged themselves too.  

A Fabulous Last Full Week in P3a

The children have been very busy this week. We finished our class novel ‘Harry the Poisonous Centipede’ and the children explored each character using Hot Seating.

The children designed their own toy for a Toy Design competition. All of the designs were really fantastic and original. Well done to everyone involved and thank you to Lorna from ASDA Robroyston who came to judge the competition.

To finish the week off the whole school took part in a Talent Show, well done P, K and A who came second place with their fantastic dance routine.


Weekly roundup – P3a

This week the children have been very busy rehearsing and performing in the Rookie Rockstar Show. All the children had a fabulous time becoming real rockstars this week. In maths the children have been learning to identify the fraction in different shapes. We used the blocks to help us visualise our learning.

For our new Toy topic the children have been learning about different forces and friction, we explored this concept by playing with toy cars and experiementing with different surfaces.

We will be turning into toy designers next week, and to help the children warm up their design knowledge they were challenged to create a new brand of bottled water. The children loved choosing which one they would pay for in real life.

To end the week the children completed short talks about their favourite toys then during our Fun 31 time the children enjoyed playing with all their toys!

P3a Poetic Dignity – RRSA

The Rights Respecting School Award spotlight this month was focused on Dignity, how we show dignity to others, and the rights which give us dignity. In P3a the children learned how to treat people with dignity through the wonderful story ‘The Invisible’ by Tom Percival. Afterward the children created acrostic poems to explore the theme Dignity.

Fun Friday in P3A

On Friday this week the children had a wonderful visit to the community library. All the children were able to choose a book to take back to school with them. A big thank you to our adult helpers who came along with us.

On Friday afternoon we had some very special visitors. Fiona and her wonderful service dog Barnum, came to talk to the children about Canine Partners, the charity who trains assistance dogs like Barnum.  Fiona showed and talked about all the special things Barnum does to help her everyday. The children loved seeing Barnum do all his different jobs, and they loved their stickers too!

Another great week in P3a

Following our evaluation of last weeks DYW activities, the children realised how important collaboration and teamwork is. To support this in P.E we completed a range of activities which require communication and team work. The children particularly loved the ball pass game and working with blindfolds.

In Numeracy and Maths the children are learning to recognise different fractions in shapes and have been learning to read analogue clocks. We have been supporting our learning with practical and active lessons which the pupils engage really well with.

We had such a great week and as always the children worked very hard. Have a lovely long weekend P3a!