Author Archives: Mrs Potter

P3a Art Success

Our under water scene scratch art was a fantastic success and we are all really pleased with the results.

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We then continued our topic by working with a partner to discuss and sort different animals in to those that live on land, those that live in the sea and those who live on both land and sea.

We were working hard again on our place value this week in maths and have now all began our new reading books. These will be taken home each night.

P3a First week back

Last week we were learning about place value in maths and completed lots of different activities to show we can identify and make different numbers.


We also began our Under the Sea topic.  We are now able to names the 5 different oceans and where they are on a map.  At the end of the week we started making some wax scratch pictures.  Firstly we coloured our piece of paper with brightly coloured crayons and then covered it in black paint.  Next week we will scratch off some of the paint to hopefully produce some colourful under the sea art work.  Look out for our finished masterpieces later in the week.

P3a Class Charter

P3a have had a fantastic week back and have settled in well to their new class.  We began the week by discussing the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and decided which ones were important for our class. Working together we decided on the following rights;

  • The right to be HEARD
  • The right to be SAFE
  • The right to LEARN
  • The right to PLAY

We used these rights to create our Minion themed class charter which we will all follow to keep our class a happy and safe place to learn.

Eco Flag – We did it !

After all our hard work this last year we received some fantastic news to end to our year – we have been awarded our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.  Over the past year we have been working towards our different targets.  We have been recycling, reducing food waste, making community links, upcycling our rubbish, learning more about the Rights of the Child and much more.  Everyone has been involved and it was  a lovely way to finish the year.


Last week in P5b

As always we have had a fun and busy week. We started the week discussing road safety and about all the hazards we need to be aware of when crossing the road.

On Tuesday we went to visit Wallacewell Park again to compare how it had changed from when we last visited in September. We did some bark rubbings and looked at insects that live in the tree canopies. We were also lucky enough to see a deer.



In the creative enquiry room there was great team work happening to produce fantastic marble runs.


To finish the week we had our dance trio represent the class at the school talent show and began our presentations on a famous Olympian.

It was also time to compare class tomato plants. Tilly did well having produced 3 tomatoes but unfortunately not enough to win.


Last week we were busy working with Rookie Rockstars to learn our songs for our concerts this week.  We had lots of fun and are looking forward to performing them for everyone this week.  In the Creative enquiry room we were enjoying our new activities.  We were learning to code the micro bits , make a stop motion film, use our creativity with the building straws and work on our origami skills.



We also found time to go outside and plant sunflowers in pots so, hopefully it won’t take long for them to grow.


We were working on using the 4 operations in maths and have moved on to instructional writing.  Our first piece of writing was on how to make an ice cream sundae.


This week we started with a visit to the library.  It was great to have some time to chill and read then they got the opportunity to choose a book to bring back to read in class.


It was our last week completing our DYW tasks in the creative enquiry room so lots of finished work which we were able to share with our classmates.


Finally in PE this week we were focusing on our aiming and accuracy skills with various target games.  It also involved work together as a team and being able to stop and think about what worked well and problem solving game tactics.



Tilly has a new home!

It has been a great week in P5 with lots going on.  We have been taking good care of our tomato plant that Miss Davidson gave us as part of the Tomato Plant Challenge and it has now more than doubled in size.  We have named our plant Tilly and this week we decided to repot it to give it more room to grow.

On Monday we finished our block of music and filmed our rap song videos.  There was lots of enthusiasm and some great videos.

On Wednesday we again were in the creative enquiry room focussing on our DYW jobs and some more tasks were finished.

In maths our focus this week was on measuring volume and converting units of volume.




Blair Drummond Trip

Primary 5 had a great time on our school trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park today.  We all enjoyed watching the lions play and the very cute little baby monkey we saw as we drove through the enclosures.  We then watched the sealion show which was another highlight before walking round the park to visit some more of the animals.   Next we watched the Birds of Prey display where we learned some very interesting facts on owls. It was then lunch, the park and some more animals before heading back for the bus.  Lots of walking but lots of fun was had by all.


Eco Schools – Crisp Packet Recycling

As part of our Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Eco school aim Primary 5 are recycling crisp packets.  These are an item you can’t put in your recycling bin at home but can be recycled at lots of local supermarkets saving them from ending up in landfill sites.  Our blue bin is in our playground every snack time and so far we have recycled approximately 2809 crisp packets.