Author Archives: Mrs Mair

P5a End of term round up

What a busy final week of term we have had in p5! We have been consolidating our learning in maths through games.

We had lots of fun at our Christmas party, and we have been very busy preparing for our p5 enterprise, where groups have run a small business, making products to sell. We held our enterprise on Thursday afternoon, just between the 2 p5 classes and it was a huge success, where children have raised approximately £160! We would like to thank you all for your support in making this venture such a success!
The children all had lots of fun working on their team enterprise and showed fantastic teamwork and communication. Well done p5!

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!
P5a and Mrs Mair



P5a weekly update

This week we have been busy preparing for our solo talks. We have made keynote presentations to go along with these next week. We have been working on division strategies in maths and continuing to develop our setting and character descriptions in writing. We started Scottish country dancing in PE which was lots of fun and continued to enjoy our stations in creative enquiry. We have also


been having some great discussions through our PATHS lessons, it’s lovely to see such considered and thoughtful responses.  We rounded off our busy week with some Fun 31 time on the pitch, showing great teamwork and creativity!





P5a this week

This week we were exploring weather in creative enquiry and conducting different experiments, making rainbows and rain clouds was fun!  In maths we were focussing on multiplication strategies. In writing we were continuing to work on character descriptions. In topic we learned about astronauts on the ISS and in art we used oil pastel to create realistic representations of Saturn in Space. We have also been working hard on improving our handwriting this week. It was also the first week of our fun 51 masterclasses, which were good fun.


This week in p5a

This week P5a has been doing so much they have been exploring weather in creative enquiry, 2 digit by 2 digit using the box method in maths, practicing our handwriting, reading our books and answering questions about the book, tennis and badminton in PE. In our topic on space we were learning about how astronauts live and work in space, on the international space station.

The have been amazing what super stars 🌟

By Olivia Dalgleish p5a

P5a our week

Last week we were working on some new things like our topic on the solar system as well as reciprocal reading. In science p5 we’re doing some experiments to see if we could create enough carbon dioxide bubbles to build enough pressure in our bottles to erupt- a small scale space rocket! Some of our experiments worked better than others so we will need to try again with some adjustments.  p5 have also been working incredibly hard on their multiplication in maths.

P5a – Wildside nature session

P5a had a great time outside today with Donald from Wildside Nature. We were learning all about the spooky Halloween animals. We learned all about bats and how they use echo-location, through a fun game. We learned about owls as predators hunting for mice and we learned all about the different parts of spiders through a fun dance!

P5a weekly update

P5a have been learning addition and subtraction strategies and they are really good at it. They were also learning about comfortable and uncomfortable emotions in PATHS and learning about the control signals to help us calm down. They started learning about the solar system and they were learning about Diwali and Rama and Sita in RME. Also they were learning about creating descriptive settings in writing. They also did some drama this week, and that’s all they did this week and they are so good at everything! What super stars!⭐️

By Nirman Dosanjh

P5a end of term 1

Lots of great exploration in creative enquiry this week, all about ‘changes’. We have also worked hard on our persuasive writing, we used our iPads for editing. We created some fantastic iMovie trailers to advertise our class novel; Charlottes Web. We rounded off our Romans topic this week with a taster of some Roman style nibbles. It was good fun!


Have a great October week holiday!


p5a have been dong great work this week. Working on subtraction strategies in maths and hockey in PE. We have been learning about the Romans and in writing were trying to Persuade men to join the Roman Army., using lots of good persuasive features.

by Zachary Furphy

It’s been another busy week in p5a, the children have been working on addition in maths and demonstrating their knowledge of a wide range of strategies, it’s lovely to see their confidence grow! In literacy our focus has been on persuasive writing, where they have written super letters using lots of persuasive features. We managed to finish our Roman Mosaics and they look fantastic! However the highlight of our week was receiving our own iPads! We have spent some time familiarising ourselves with these and exploring the apps. We are excited to use them to support and enhance our learning this year!