Author Archives: Mrs Mair

P5a update

It has been a busy start to the term this year. We have been working hard in maths and literacy already, and supporting our learning playing games and working collaboratively to share our knowledge.
We begun our IDL topic exploring the Celts in the iron ages, we looked at how they lived and what they did. We had lots of fun making roundhouses and hillforts for the tribes. We also had a go at paper weaving, since weaving was very popular back then! We produced some fabulous examples. Next we will be comparing the Celtic life to the Romans and finding out what happened next!

P5a class charter

P5a have had a great start to the year and it has been lovely to get to know the class.
We have been working on our class charter, where we explored children’s rights and then thought about what we would like our class to be like, we then thought about how the rights we have could help us create the class we want. The children all came up with so many great ideas and from these we were able to  make a charter that everyone in the class can work hard to achieve.

P6a Pinkston day 3

Our final day at Pinkston was great fun, spent in the forest taking part in a survival game. We also enjoyed popcorn made on the campfire!
after completing the 3 day course we have achieved a few different certificates (yet to come!) for Glasgows urban adventure award and the national outdoor learning award.


As part of our Health and wellbeing lessons and  Rights Respecting Schools, we have been exploring DIGNITY, and what this means and how it is shown. The children created posters and acrostic poems to show their understanding and thoughts on Dignity.

P6a library visit.

We had another trip to the library, luckily this time it was dry for our walk! We got to choose books to take away and read and we also had the opportunity to explore non fiction books related to our Rainforest topic and participate in some rainforest activities.

P6a Pinkston day 2

p6a had a great 2nd day at Pinkston! Team games in the forest , working on our cooperation and resilience , as well as communication and listening skills, and LOTS of problem solving! On the water we were kayaking, while playing ball games and races! It was wet but fun!

P6a at Pinkston

We had a fantastic first day at Pinkston Basin taking part in a pilot for Glasgows Urban Adventure Award, engaging in outdoor learning adventures and activities. We had so much fun learning to Kayak as well as building our confidence in the water. We also spent time in the forest for our NOLA (national outdoor learning award) taking part in various different activities and working together. We can’t wait for our next session on 6th June!

Maths – speed distance and time.

This week we have been learning about speed, distance and time as part of our measure unit in maths. Trundle wheels and timers helped us have a go. We then used our knowledge of the formula to help us calculate and solve time problems involving ‘speed, distance and time’.