Author Archives: Mrs Jodah

January 2024

P5a have settled back into the routines of school. We are learning to write a brochure to persuade  people to take a holiday in Scotland as part of our literacy and topic work this term. So far P5 have each made a plan.                                                                    In number we are rounding numbers to 10,100 or 10000. This week P5 an are starting to learn more about time durations. In the next few days we will venture outside to measure angles! Let’s hope the weather improves.                                                Generally the children have enjoyed finding out about our first IDL topic , Scotland. We will continue to explore this topic and learn more about our Scottish culture.

Mrs. Jodah

A proud moment

I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of everyone in the class for their efforts and hard work this term. In language we have written reports linked to Natural Disasters Then they used the facts as a basis for their personal presentations. Everyone took part and rose to the challenge.

This term the class tackled fractions and money, trying to manage a budget, not easy concepts.
Thank you for the Christmas gifts , I am very grateful.

After this welcome break I will be excited to start teaching your child again in the third term. They are a group of children who like to learn.

Have a wonderful two weeks.

Mrs. Jodah


JRSO update

This term we having been trying to get everyone thinking about wearing clothes that can seen when it is dark outside. Two children in P5a have updated our posters about wearing reflective clothes, Ollie and  Mannat.                                     .

We have been noticing that there are a  lot of cars parked around the school, especially at 3:00pm. This makes it difficult for children to walk home.
We asked Miss Davidson if the car park could be made bigger. She said that was up to the council.

Then we asked Miss Davidson what she thought of the traffic. Miss Davidson thought that the traffic was very bad. We will keep you informed of any new information. Next term we are going to write to the council about the parking problems around Wallacewell Primary School.


P5a have been very busy. In language we are focusing on report writing. Your child is making a comprehensive report about our topic Natural Disasters. They can then use this as part of their presentation in the next couple of weeks. We have successfully covered fractions, decimals in number and are ready to tackle money before the end of term. Everyone has worked hard to learn and improve their own strategies to complete any task.

We are delighted that girls from P5 were among the Dancers who won their heat at Springburn Academy. On Friday afternoon the class were able to display some of the activities we have been completing weekly as part of our STEM topics. Unfortunately I forgot to take any photographs!
This class love an opportunity to learn!


This week P5a have worked very hard advancing their understanding of division in number and characterisation in language. Next week I will introduce fractions and help the children to find more information when a reading non- fiction text. P.E on a Thursday will now involve mastering skills in netball.
Mrs. Jodah

JRSO Be Bright Be Seen

We have done an assembly about wearing bright jackets on dark nights. You should wear reflectors on your jackets so at night a car would see you. Our class ( P5a ) have made some posters of bright jackets. We picked four posters to put round the school. We enjoyed the assembly, it was also a bit scary.

written by Rosie-Joy and Ollie . Our school Junior Road Safety Officers.

These are the four children with their posters to promote wearing bright jackets this winter.

The second term is off to a good start.

This term P5a have come back to school ready to take on some new challenges. We have continued with coaching in Dance in P.E. This term we have started to extend and develop number skills in multiplication and division.
In science we are investigating friction.

. Designing an experiment using a car on different surfaces and discussing the results.




This week the JRSO pupils created posters and presented a competition about designing a cycling helmet. They are trying to get us all to think about being seen as the dark nights draw in. At the assembly this Friday they organised their posters and told the whole school about the competition in their own words. I am very proud of them.     Mrs. Jodah