Last week of term in P1c

The children had a fabulous week engaging with all of their learning. The children worked so hard consolidating their numeracy learning through a range of active numeracy activities.

In literacy the children spent lots of time developing their letter formation, recognising initial sounds in words and enjoyed sequencing stories. We ended the week with some ‘have a go writing’. As always the children worked extremely hard to challenge themselves.

This week we finished our ‘Enchanted Forest’ topic. The children had some much fun exploring traditional tales in the playroom and loved learning about trees and why they are so important.

We finished our week with a ‘Ready, Steady, Sing’ workshop from the YMI CREATE team. The children absolutely loved all the singing and dancing.

As always I am incredibly proud of all the progress made this term, and I hope all of the children enjoy a well deserved break. Well done P1c!