Our School

Welcome to Wallacewell Primary School. We hope that the information contained within our website will help you to gain a better understanding of our school’s core vision, values and aims, as well as providing practical information about our school.

Wallacewell Primary is a happy and vibrant school where we encourage a strong sense of community in which pupils are supported to flourish as individuals across all aspects of their development. Our partnerships with families are valued highly here at Wallacewell Primary School. Our staff are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment in which every child has the opportunity to develop, achieve and thrive.

At Wallacewell are committed to empowering our young people to succeed. We will work with all our stakeholders to create a happy, healthy, caring and inclusive school where everyone feels valued, respected and supported to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.

Our values illustrate the attributes valued by our young people and  highlights what is important to our school community.

This compliments our school ‘Code of Conduct’ of Ready, Respectful, Safe.

Wallacewell Primary aims to:

  • foster positive relationships with families and the wider community to enhance learning

  • provide high quality learning experiences for all in a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment where pupils are motivated and supported to succeed and achieve.

  • promote and develop an ethos of trust and respect through which positive relationships can be developed and maintained.

  • remove barriers to learning, ensuring an inclusive and equitable learning provision for all in which diversity is celebrated.

  • equip our young people with the knowledge to become responsible and aware global citizens, with the skills needed for work and life- long learning.