Parent Council Action Plan (2023-24)

Our Action Plan for session 2023-24  has been agreed based on discussions about the needs of the school and concerns raised by families in recent years.

It has been agreed that fundraising in 2023-24  will be used to support the school to provide –

  • Selection boxes for all pupils at Christmas
  • An Easter treat for every pupil
  • Leavers hoodies for all Primary 7 pupils

The agreed Parent Council ‘Grand Challenge’ for session 2023-24 are –

  • Support the school and gain updates on the school pitch. The PC will raise concerns, already raised by the current HT, in relation to the health and safety of the pitch and the impact that this has on both school and community activities.
  • Support the school is raising concerns about school provision in the local area. This is something the HT is very aware of and has already addressed it with GCC.