Communication with Families

Dear Families,

We keep in touch with our families in a range of different ways –

  • whole-school newsletters
  • class newsletters
  • letters/notes/reminders
  • phone calls
  • meetings
  • groupcall messaging
  • parents evenings
  • report card
  • updates on social media (Twitter)

We know that some families feel they do not always get the information they need on time or that information shared is not useful. We want to stay in touch with families as much as we can and as such, this session, we have refreshed our school website. Families will be able to see examples of class learning through the website and will be able to access lots of useful information about the life and work of the school. We will no longer be using the Seesaw app. The website is accessible through the link below –

The school will always try to get information out to families as soon as possible. We would like to encourage parents/carers to check their emails regularly and/or their Groupcall Xpressions app as this is our main method of communication. Click on the link below for further information about the Groupcall app.

Groupcall Xpressions – Parent Info

If you are having any issues with Groupcall please contact the school.

We would also encourage families to check school bags for updates and reminders from the Class Teacher however we would like to stress that Groupcall is our main method of communication and the sending of paper copies for all correspondence is not possible from both a budget and organisational perspective in such a large school.

We would like to encourage families to hand returnable forms back to the office as soon as possible e.g. photo permission forms, annual data checks, trip permission letters. Some families have shared that they would like us to be able to send out returnable forms electronically instead of paper copies having to be returned to the office. Whilst we agree that this would be easier for both families and the school as a whole, we unfortunately do not have access to the technology to do this. However we have put in place some processes this year to reduce the number of returnable forms. For example once you have completed a photo permission form, this will be kept on file for the duration of your time with us and will not be reissued. Families will need to contact the school directly if changes are to be made to any permissions. Where possible we will also send out questionnaires and consultations to families via Groupcall using Glow Forms.

This year we are introducing monthly newsletters for families where we hope to share as much information the life and work of the school and upcoming events as well in advance as possible. This will help parents/carers to be able to book in time off work  etc.  We have also had some feedback regarding the sending of information to all parents/carers. We have looked at our Groupcall system and from now on will ensure that, where appropriate, all parent/carers are sent Groupcall emails and messages. Again we would encourage all parents/carers to download the Groupcall Xpressions app and check their emails regularly. If you change your email address or any contact information please contact the school office to allow us to update our records.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend.


Miss L Davidson