This was the greatest show!!!!!
It has taken me a while to put into words how incredible P2/3 and P3 were. This assembly was an incredible and moving performance and every single child sang their hearts out and this made very minute so enjoyable. Hard work really pays off.
It has been a fun past few weeks learning all of the songs and singing together each day. We learned many messaged from the greatest showman and we will carry these messages with us.
We would love to share some pictures with you about the highlights of the assembly as we have finally got round to collecting them. Videos are still to follow hoping they can upload onto the blogs
We enjoyed writing story maps together about the life of PT Barnum.
We learned important messages about working hard and never judging a book by it’s cover.
We also learned that it is important to know that everyone is unique and special in their own way. We decided to do this assembly in order to spread these messages to the rest of our school.
We also shared stories of our excitement as we came to the say of the performance.
Here are some pictures of the greatest show. We hope you enjoy!