Poetry, animations and art with P2/3.

We have been learning lots about our topic this week.

P2/3 would like to share our learning wordle with you this week…


We have been learning about the cities in danger of rising water levels. We looked for these cities on the world map and looked at some contemporary art where artists had created cities underwater.

Here’s how some children responded to the art work…


We were able to explain how the piece of art made us feel. We had some very deep discussions about art and emotions.

We looked at famous structures in Barcelona, Venice, London, Dublin, Sydney, Rio Di Janeiro and Cape town. We drew these structures and used blue chalk to create an underwater effect.




In digital learning we created our very own fish characters. We will be creating an animation with these next week!

We turned our drawings into 3D models! We will be creating our underwater animations next week. Watch this space….

Our incredible work doesn’t stop there! On Thursday we transformed our list poems into shape poems. Have a look at some of the fantastic work from your children. We were able to make our words look like waves!


Very proud of all of the hard work in P2/3 this week. they never fail to amaze me!
Cant wait to share more with you in the next few weeks.

Miss Cameron and P2/3 x

Our New Topic in P2/3

P2/3 are so excited to tell us about their new topic Climate Change.

We created another wordle to tell you how much we have already learned this week. P2/3 have some very impressive facts already.

“Climate change is when the earth is getting really really warm and the sea is going to rise because the ice is melting!” – Noor P2

“The earth will have a big blanket” – Eshal

“the water will rise to the roofs” – Ibrahim

“People will have to use boats” – Hasan

“If its way too hot the ice is going to melt.” – Malaika

P2/3 were able to have very mature conversations surrounding the reasons behind Climate change and we spoke what might happen if we don’t do anything.

Here are some of the excellent responses from some children in P2/3:



P2/3 researched independently using their books and made mind maps explaining what will happen if we do not do anything. This class never fails to impress Miss Cameron.

We had a look at the World Globe with a magnifying glass and searched for Antarctica, and some countries in danger of flooding.

We found Venice in Italy.

We also found Glasgow!


Digital Learning

Also as part of our topic, we will be creating an underwater animation with Mr Stewart. We have already made underwater characters and have given them a character profile. We will create a story board next week and finally create our own animations on the I pads. We cannot wait to show you what we will be getting up to in the next few weeks!!

Play-dough goes a long way in p2/3

We had an excercise session with Jump start Johnny to get us energised on Monday morning! We even tried out some yoga moves! P2/3 are so flexible!


Thursday was a very exciting day! We worked together to make playdough from scratch. We were able to write instuctions on how to make playdough! We know what you need and what you do.

Play-Dough is much more fun when you make it from scratch.

The fun did not stop there. We used our playdough to create our very own baker shop called “Cake Box”. Everyone had an important role to play in the shop and we had some excellent cashiers who were able to give change to the customers. We made up prices for our items and even had some great deals going. We had lots of servers and bakers in the back.  All of this helped us develop some money skills in a real like context.



Halloween fun in P2/3

Face painting!

For our writing this week we were writing instructions on how to paint your face like a clown.
We even tried it ourselves after following a tutorial on YouTube. Looks like we have some very talented face painters in P2/3. We were able to write some great instructions on how to paint your face like a clown using bossy verbs.




I think Ava may be the happiest clown in the world! Beautiful <3

 Happy Halloween!!

Some amazing Halloween costumes on Tuesday! we had a great time at our Halloween party.

Looking good!

Mental Maths

Lots of hard work and continued perseverance in mental maths this week.

P2/3 have been working with concrete materials to create arrays. We can solve tricky maths problems with our partners. We grouped together different materials to help us work out division problems. We know how to group items together to work out multiplication problems too!

Very impressive!!

Outdoor Games

We had so much fun with outdoor games on Thursday. We faced challenging obstacle courses and mental maths challenges to create number bond sums to 20 with only a certain amount of cards. Lots of solid teamwork and hard efforts by all meant that all teams completed the challenges successfully.


Amazing effort P2/3!


We then faced another  tricky challenge. We had to work together to fold the tarpaulin as small as possible WITHOUT ANYONE COMMING OFF. We all managed to complete this challenge and worked so well in all of our teams. Well done P2/3.