Our Hard Work and Learning!

Primary 2 have been working so hard this week and we had visitors from France who we impressed with our number knowledge!

We have been learning about tens and units. We can add big sums. For example, you have a sum, you count the tens and units, then you add them up. (Sanjog)

We have been learning about common good… people must be treated fairly. (Zaid)

We have been learning about stories and The Gruffalo’s Child. (Nimrah and Faiqah)

We have been learning to do adding sums. (Fatima)

We have been learning different ways to add numbers for example you can use an empty numberline, you can add the tens then add the units, you can use your fingers, you can draw tens and units then add them. (Hamza and Tayiba)

We have been learning about animal migration (Talha)

We have been learning to add on tens and hundreds. (Aiman)

We hope you hall have a lovely holiday,

Love from P2.




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