Our First Primary 2 Class Blog!


Welcome to our Primary 2 class blog. We will be posting comments and pictures to tell you about and show you all of our wonderful learning. We are looking forward to our year ahead in Primary 2. Please visit our blog and feel free to make comments. We would love to hear from you!

This week we have already been learning Tricky words (Zaid).

We have learned how to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in writing. (Tayiba)

We have been enjoying reading books. (Arzan)

We have been doing number work. (Nimrah)

We have been learning about adding and take away. (Sarim)

We have learned how to use time words like First, Next, Then and Finally. (Kasim)

We have a learning ladybird to help us learn and a successful spider to help us be successful! (Hamza)