Learning Log

Primary 2 have had a very exciting week. On Wednesday we went to the Tramway and we enjoyed our walk there and back. In the Tramway we saw different pieces of artwork. (Nimrah and Sanjog)

We worked with staff from the Tramway to learn more about what goes on there. We learned new words: Artwork is one piece of art. (Sarim) Gallery is where the pictures/artwork goes on display. (Aisha A and Quasim) An exhibition is when there’s lots of artwork on show. (Hamza)

On Thursday an artist called Maya came to work with us. (Eesa and Aiman) Maya helped us learn how to read the artwork. (Talha)

Maya helped us to make our own pieces of artwork (Kasim and Sanjog). Our artwork is going to the Tramway and they are going to put it up on the wall in their Gallary! (Tayiba)

Our work will be on display in the Tramway for 6 weeks! Please make sure you go and see it… it is free to get in. (Quasim)


We have also been learning to do adding sums. (Nimrah)

We have been learning about Migration and we have started to create our own non-fiction books about migration. (Tayiba)

We were learning about how to compare two characters in a story. We compared the Gruffalo to the Gruffalo’s child. (Minal). We looked for things that were the same and things that were different. (Eesa)

We have also been doing writing with Mrs Kherabi and Football with our coach Liam. (Faiqah, Fatima and Kamran)

Have a great weekend everyone!

From P2 🙂

2 thoughts on “Learning Log”

  1. I like doing creative activities and learning new things everyday. I love coming to my school it’s the best!😃😃😃

    1. Well done and thank you so much Sanjog for commenting on our class blog! You are a superstar learner and school loves having you too.
      Love from Mrs Hunter-Andreuccetti 🙂

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